Reviews for Whatever it Takes
BritishGirlWhoWrites chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
I love this! Yeah, I agree. I feel like that’s through nobody’s fault but the writers and the storyline that people do take sides with Cheryl more - after all, we know so much more about her and can provide reasoning behind a lot of her actions, and since we’ve only known Cheryl experience abuse and loss, a lot of people I feel have ganged up on Toni for putting her point across. If we knew more about Toni I guess things would be different but people seem to not like Toni as much... ugh... and don’t really see from her POV. So I love fics like this where we do look into her headspace especially after a major storyline like her breakup (where we didn’t even get to find out where she was staying in the mean time? Shows how disregarded Toni is by the writers sadly) as we can see that she’s struggling a lot as well... I mean, Cheryl (who has her walls up being fair to her too) told her - her ex girlfriend when they broke up for really obscure reasons which must have been confusing for both of them - to leave the school, you could see the hurt in her eyes... anyway, I’m rambling now, but thank you for writing this!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 4/7/2019
I loved it. Shame to see some fans are only seeing things from one side.
They didn't do a good job at both sides having their stories told.