Reviews for Eagle Eye
arinst2305 chapter 5 . 12/23/2019
Samster7241 chapter 5 . 12/22/2019
I would pay money to see Makino fight Mihawk
Ferna52 chapter 5 . 12/21/2019
Totally following this! The interactions were very cute!
WhiteyWolf26 chapter 5 . 12/21/2019
Lol, Mihawk, you apparently really are very fond of that analogy, given how much you think of it and that you'll use it even years later. xD

Hmmm, your arrival in Foosha sure was... something as well. Be lenient with the little backwater villagers! As brave, strong Makino shows, there are sure some whose acquaintance IS worth the inconvenience. ;)

You know, I had no idea what to expect for a first meeting bettween Mihawk and Luffy, but I don't think it was that (I don't mean that negatively, I was just really, truly clueless). More importantly though, I think this is actually really fitting and great! xD Luffy is such a wild child and free spirit, of course he'd make an entrance like that. And, well... whatever Mihawk ends up thinking about it, it sure was memorable... which in turn is bound to incite that curiosity into a second visit, and so on... ;D

So, thanks a lot for the chapter, I'm very much looking forward to reading how exactly this first meeting between the two plays out!
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 5 . 12/20/2019
Good to see this updated.

Good chapter.
A Deathless Song chapter 5 . 12/20/2019
I didn't know I needed this au in my life, but Mihawk being Luffy's MiPops is hilariously awesome. Can't wait to read more! :)
H3llion chapter 4 . 11/5/2019
Can't wait for Baratie arc xD
Questionable Answers chapter 4 . 7/23/2019
neat idea. can't wait for more!
LikeAPro42 chapter 4 . 7/20/2019
Yay! Another chappie! *dances in place* I am REALLY looking forward to Zoro’s duel with Mihawk. I mean the shock on his face before the fight when Luffy and Mihawk have a casual exchange with some teasing and hair ruffling and he makes the connections of graceful long sword fighting, yellow eyes, “strongest swordsman” will be magnificent!

Can’t wait for more!
Narya Anima chapter 4 . 7/20/2019
Okay, this story is ridiculous but a lot of fun. I can't help but imagine Shanks going to meet Mihawk after he spent time with Luffy.
M: ...
S: you! You have-! How! I didn't know you could have sex.
M: ...
S: Is it even possible?
M *walks away*
Gamma Cavy chapter 4 . 7/20/2019
Hey, hey I love this story. The trade-off between narratives works well, and I like Mihawk's theory in chapter 3 about Garp jawing to make people ignore his grandson... and other thigns I can't think of right now. Anyway, i look forward to more!
WhiteyWolf26 chapter 4 . 7/20/2019
Nice longer chapter, thank you very much!

Oooh, I so, so love the barely hidden cheek sprinkled throughout that entire chapter, it's glorious and hilarious! I'd feel bad for Zoro, but... it's just to fun! x'D

So Luffy still wants to be pirate king, that's good. I didn't really expect anything else, but it's still reassuring to have the confirmation.

I'm afraid I'm not quite knowledgeable enough to understand the Hiru pun, mind elaborating? '

I have so many scenes flitting through my head just hearing Luffy talk about Mihawk's training and their relationship. I'm oddly touched, to be honest.
I can all but see Mihawk just wanting to take a single scrutinising look at that progeny of his (only to experiencse some nameless mix of disbelieving horror, resignation, and a smidgeon of intrigue at that strange creature that has far too many similarities to Shanks), only to inexplicably return again and a again, drawn back by something he can't explain.
Then Luffy becomes fixated on swordmanship (and Mihawk and Yoru), likely only because he thinks it's "cool" at first, only for him to both grow into it and grow to respect it at the tutelage of a mentor who wouldn't allow for anything less, least of all from his own offspring.

I can picture Mihawk warily starting to hope that he may found a legacy to challenge and ultimately surpass him - "D" idiosyncrasies oddly reminiscent of some of Shanks' or no, nobody can argue against the Yonko's mastery in swordsmanship - only to then discover that Luffy'll ultimately never have the drive and inclination to do so. He must have been so, so disappointed without wanting to admit it even to himself (that Luffy, for all that he is the epitome of people-smart could actually pick up on it on that usually inscrutable man is very telling, I think). Whatever the exact circumstances that led to it may have been, I'm just glad Mihawk apparently came around and accepted that Luffy's path lies elsewhere without permanently cutting him out of his life again. :)

You know, I still can't help but feel it's actually very respectful and mindful of Luffy to recognize that he can only follow one dream/goal, pirate king OR world's best swordsman. Maybe even slightly humble, because for all that Luffy doesn't think it would be impossible for him to best his father as a swordsman, he cannot be the pirate king as well. Both paths demand a complete and utter, soul-deep commitment and drive that leaves no room for deviation to pursue something else. It means Luffy recognizes the equailty in both titles and has too much respect for them to half-ass one of them (which would only lessen one, if not both). Neither is something you can dabble in while actually pursuing something else. Both are a life-commitment.
Granted, it's an instinctual/abstract knowledge/awareness on Luffy's part, but it's there, and I like that very, very much.
And as Luffy said, he'll just have to fond someone else to challenge Mihawk, which... mission accomplished. ;)

Geeez, now I'm even /more/ excited for the meeting at the Baratie! I want to see want became of their relationship "in person"! Mihawk hasn't abandoned Luffy and Luffy seemingly actually sees and refers to him as "dad" (in a much less abstract way than Dragon in canon), but I need details! *-*

Oh god, the mental picture of Garp practically blowing a gasket and trying to be as "cool" as Mihawk to sway his grandson's admiration back to him (and the Marines) and fiiiiirmly away from any pirate idols... x'D Sorry, Garp, that's battle been lost before it even started.
Canulear chapter 1 . 7/20/2019
The concept is pretty nice even if I'm having trouble wrapping my head around a sword wielding Luffy. I wonder how much his fighting style is going to be influenced. It's still a really nice story, good job!
Canulear chapter 4 . 7/20/2019
The concept is pretty nice even if I'm having trouble wrapping my head around a sword wielding Luffy. I wonder how much his fighting style is going to be influenced. It's still a really nice story, good job!
Servillius chapter 4 . 7/19/2019
Heheh... I look forward to the moment Zoro realises! :D
It's a cool story too. I love seeing Luffy with a sword.
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