Reviews for Arabella
Mr. Meowington chapter 17 . 4/1
Congratulations to graduating!
Yurilover0204 chapter 24 . 2/25
Emrys315 chapter 24 . 10/13/2019
Awe man I'm super excited to read more! Ima have to reread the whole story when you update lol all well its good enough. Anyway good job so far! She like Jugo? He naturally absorbed nature chakra and went on murderous rampages too didnt he? 10 bucks they are related! (I aint actually paying)

I love her snark and sass. I like that its a front for uncomfortable situations. She is screaming on the inside and on the outside shes babbling about milkshakes.

And Root was that you? I bet it was you that went full retard and attacked a innocent (as far as you can prove) girl. Shame on you!

Poor team 7 is gonna be so sad shes gone. I wonder if Naruto is going too look for her? He does consider her a sister. That would be adorbs.

Anyway I got to go and take care of my baby human.
Manaliac chapter 24 . 9/11/2019
I really love this story! Arabella has an amazing power with talking to anomals! Please continue
The-handprint-onthe-window chapter 24 . 9/4/2019
:3 snake sage! Shes going to be kick ass!
Kitchen Enthusiast chapter 24 . 9/4/2019
Yo, thanks for the update. Super excited to see where Sage Mode goes. Also, I love her and Kurodoku so much ;-;
AquilaPallas129 chapter 6 . 9/2/2019
She can’t walk properly either? Did she crawl along in the forest?
AquilaPallas129 chapter 5 . 9/2/2019
She was raised by humans and couldn’t speak the human language? There is only one common tongue in the Elemental Nations...
Guest chapter 23 . 8/17/2019
Oh so she is actually a . Few quibble -Wasn't she all about saving her innocence in earlier chapters but in recent chapter she said she has been sexually active since she turned 13. Again how long was she in forest - 10 months or years. There is severe confusion there.
A piece of advice when you plan to write a story, write charecterstic of original charecter, how you want to progress them integrate them in existing environment. For example, Someone with that level of sexual experience will try to seduce. The village will never leave thier genin unexposed. Kakashi's sharingan would have exposed her in minute. He is extremely ruthless opponent. He never lets his guard down. It is canon.
Your story flows smoothly.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/17/2019
Arabella is one of the most annoying bitchy lead. She is opinioated and says fuck way too many time. Also how old is this brat.
Konaha is traditional, naruto is tradition, this supplant spynds wannabe.
Otherwise your story flow is great.
asclepia chapter 23 . 8/17/2019
The-handprint-onthe-window chapter 23 . 8/17/2019
! I can't wait for more!
Kurochach chapter 23 . 8/17/2019
Danzo, Danzo, Danzo... seriously, how ? Her unleashing this much killing intent should have alerted someone !
SymKiriki chapter 22 . 8/12/2019
I love this cause Arabella’s personality hasn’t changed drastically since she met canon characters. Usually OCs with trust issues end up accepting and trusting like immediately and it always annoys me cause it’s not realistic. I also just love her personality in the first place. Can’t wait for the next update! You’re doing a great job!
The-handprint-onthe-window chapter 22 . 7/31/2019
:) I hope she can form real friendship with these sad kids
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