Reviews for Total Drama Island: Beginnings
TBossK chapter 26 . 3/7
Cute fic. Great job!
daniellauterhahn chapter 22 . 9/17/2019
I Feel As If The Elimination Order Is Pretty Obvious

1st/2nd:Noah And Geoff
daniellauterhahn chapter 20 . 8/25/2019
How Come So Many Post Merge Contestants Are Getting Eliminated Irregularly
Sweetlol chapter 19 . 7/31/2019
Good chapter. can't wait for more
LovelyLuly chapter 16 . 7/8/2019
Mal being born a protector. That is something I strongly belive on. I watched some videos on DID to educate myself about it and I'd say he fits the build. It just annoying that the writers chose to portray disassociation by making Mike Gasp everytime a personality is fronting. Seriously if he was real and someone with DID met him, he/she would probably think he was telling the truth when he said that the personalities are only characters that he plays.
LovelyLuly chapter 13 . 6/25/2019
Let me guess : owen will come back. Fine by me but don't have him as the winner. Seriously i hated when he won on the canonverse
Knifez chapter 2 . 6/9/2019
What?! Noah is Chris's brother?! And why is Bridgette such an asshole? I'm so lost.
Knifez chapter 1 . 6/9/2019
An interesting premise, but unfortunately the OOCness of both Bridgette and Noah is very, very distracting. Several others are OOC as well but nothing to major, so I'll a couple more chapters.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/22/2019
Geoff is a great guy in this chapter.
Nick chapter 9 . 3/11/2019
Geez that last guest was a dick.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/21/2019
Lol I am glad this is on hiatus and hope it stays that way, couldn't get past Cody's introduction it was so tryhard. When you grow up a little and look back at this your only going to feel shame.

I doubt your other stories are any better, do yourself a favor and put your own self on hiatus.
camdawg chapter 8 . 2/19/2019
do what you gotta do man.
LovelyLuly chapter 7 . 2/18/2019
So Noah is the new Geoff?! Just great! We'll at least if they break up it won't be because he turned into a diva.
Oh and mistakes :
"Izzy had her hair down her back" her hair Canonically reaches her chest and even if she straightened it, it probably wouldn't change the length so the only way for her hair to go down her back is she use some kind of hair extension but she probably wouldn't since ya know science girl. If you want a suggestion : say her hair was either on a bun like Brainzilla or in a high ponytail.i honestly think that your version of Izzy is the type of girl who hates when her hair falls on her face since it prevents her for completing her work.

"you filled my heads" since when does Zeke has more than one head
Guest chapter 7 . 2/17/2019
Hello i just discovered this story and my compliment because the idea is the way that unfolding is fantastic
And i'm glad heather is triyng to dominate to because will be the antagonist and andvice when you do in the confessional try to move from white o black as because it is already easier to understand anyway i can not wait to see the next chapter
Knight chapter 6 . 2/10/2019
Mike’s Italian not Indian.
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