Reviews for The Night that She Forgot
zaubernuss chapter 4 . 10/2/2019
I suddenly found myself in the mood for a Vampire Diaries fanfiction again, if only to find inspiration for the sequel to my own story that I'm still intent on finishing (though sadly, TVD doesn't seem to be much read much anymore). Anyway: This story totally did what I had hoped it would! I so loved Damon in it, you really did him justice. Good writing, too. An I like how you weaved this into what might as well have been canon. Good job!
Nej chapter 4 . 1/16/2019
So more or less I was right about the compulsion. I like that Elena started having dreams about Damon basically right away after that night lol I found it funny. Also it fits since we unlike Damon know Elena has admitted it first to herself in 3x01 already so before any of this happened. Of course Damon had to make it even more complicated by adding not remembering his face, King of Self Sabotage.
I do think Elena was unnecessarily mean here. It was her idea in the first place so I didn't get this level of anger? It made no sense she blamed all of it on him. Also it was cruel to throw it in his face like none of this matters. Her emotional reaction to it lacked for me. Her emotions were heightened yes but why only negative emotions...
I don't mind this ending though. It was open ending but really not. They eventually got where they needed to me.
I enjoyed this.
Nej chapter 3 . 1/16/2019
This was really hot. The shower sex was always something I wanted to see for DE in tvd. It was very hot while the second time was more emotional but I loved both. I like that it felt special and different and more than sex they had before for both of them. Bloodsharing was one of my favorite part, just what I wanted to read.
This was really bittersweet because in the end they both had to give this up but for Damon it'll be harder because he actually remembers. If I had to guess it seems like he compelled her to forget but once she starts accepting her feelings and start being ready to be with it they'll start coming back in dreams
thnw32 chapter 4 . 1/15/2019
I am in love with this. It almost makes you feel like this was needed when the show was aired. Some more background, less teasing and flirtation and more intimacy between Damon and Elena. You are a talented writer, and I loved this story. Thank you so much for sharing.
Nej chapter 2 . 1/15/2019
I liked their honest and open talk with each other. Elena jealous was as entertaining as always. I like them having this much fun together. I hope Damon shows her how pleasurable biting can be.
Very mean of Elena to ask him to compel away the memory to make it easier for her but not thinking how it will make him feel to live with it. But of course Damon can't say no to her.
Nej chapter 1 . 1/15/2019
I like this idea to add an extra compulsion to make it more interesting. I like canon divergence so I like stories like this. Also interesting scene and episode to pick to place it, it actually fits well. I like the idea of Elena asking Damon for five minutes break when she needs it. The show rarely lets Elena (or Damon) to breathe but I can imagine them doing something like this together
amazing Aisha chapter 4 . 1/12/2019
Interesting take on compulsion. Enjoy reading it but do epilogue please.
Leeloo87 chapter 4 . 1/10/2019
I like it! If you get some more ideas that would lead to moments like the one in Chicago, go with it, I would love to read more of it :) Lovely story :*
Leeloo87 chapter 3 . 1/10/2019
Words can't describe how much I love your smut :) This was beautiful, passionate, romantic, emotional and breathtaking. I absolutely adore it
Leeloo87 chapter 2 . 1/9/2019
If I ever forget why I love your stories so much, there is a chapter like this one to remind me :)
Leeloo87 chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
So i finally got some time for this story :) Liking it very much so far, but it's no surprise when it comes to your writing ;)
Leann Nickerson chapter 4 . 1/6/2019
This was a great ending! Thanks so much for your time and effort in writing this!
Unknown867 chapter 3 . 1/5/2019
You are an amazing writer. Your writing is detailed and sophisticated not at all uncomfortable. I love this story it was a good idea. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Leann Nickerson chapter 3 . 1/5/2019
I loved it! I loved it! I loved it! Best chapter yet! Can't wait to see what you come up with next! Thanks so much for the update and for your time and effort in writing this!
luvfordelena chapter 3 . 1/5/2019
I love this! Update soon
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