Reviews for Birds of a Feather
schoki chapter 46 . 9/30
Love this fic!
Tom and Hermione relationship develops naturally over the years and is conceivable.
Not where Tom turns into a goody shoe within 2 weeks. Often characters are too 2 Dimensional, where only the good or negative aspects are shown in storys / fanfictions! But here everybody has their flaws and characteristics. The same goes for Nott, he is really an interesting ambivalent character.
I hope that you will continue to write this story! Best regards 3
Guest chapter 46 . 9/2
This is excellent, I spent two days glued to this unable to put it down. Your realisation of the characters and world is superb and I remain enraptured by what you have created, even now I am just hungry for more. I hope that this will be continued, it would be a loss for it to end prematurely. Thank you for what you have written.
luxsolis chapter 46 . 8/9
You write incredibly well, there is no denying it. I couldn't put this story down. This type of writing is never found in the fanfiction. arena. The story is compelling and original. I like that your don't follow the stations of canon, but give them a small nod in passing instead while you go your own way. The first wizarding war and second have been written over and over again, with people following the original story line too closely. In a word, that's boring. I like the AU universe you have built.

I also love that in some aspects you have stuck to canon, such as wizarding society being equal, and witches have as much standing as men. (to a degree) I absolutely hate how people romanticize the idea of the Wizarding world being Patriarchal and women being lesser. I usually feel as if that's lazy writing for those who want easy drama fodder. (How do they explain 2 of the founder being women in those world's? Its annoying becuase magic is an equalizer, and does not rely on brute strength.)

The ONLY constructive criticism I have is that it's a bit labor intensive to read. You delve into their thought process and it's extensive, and also makes the story a bit slow. Dialogue comes second to a long drawn out explanation.

Other than that, you have sort of fallen into the category of writing Hermione as plain/ugly, but smart and interesting. Which annoys me somewhat becuase she has never been called ugly in the books, but for some reason people think frizzy hair relates to 'plain/boring/ugly/prude.' I dislike when people give her more flaws than redeeming qualities, both physically and in personality.

But that's just a personal preference. This is your story and I am just along for the ride. I am looking forward to future chapters.
ahansen369 chapter 46 . 6/29
I love and miss your work my lady or kind sir~ either way thank you so much for writing this and sharing in the first place you have talent and all of your readers can see that all my love and support in whatever you do or don't! hope you are healthy and happy this night and any other!
The Very Irish Erin chapter 46 . 6/27
So enthralled with this story! Everything is described so vividly and all the psychological aspects allow the reader to fully immerse. I found myself not wanting to put it down. I wanted to race through it to learn more, but take my time at the same time to take in all the details. If that’s not the sign of a good story I don’t know what is. I loved the humor that was placed throughout too, especially when the basilisk tried to give Tom mating advice. I actually snorted at that. Hopefully this isn’t ended, but know that you’ve given the fandom something very real to hold on to (even if it’s AU). The believability is magic.
temptmyth chapter 46 . 6/24
THIS is the best tomione fanfiction that's out there. period. I couldn't put it down! it is the most realistic possibility of the pairing and I love that neither of them are perfect!
I'm really looking forward to reading more please update as soon as you can!
Jennie chapter 46 . 6/24
Loved this. So descriptive and vivid, and I love your characterizations. Excellent job. Thank you for writing; I'm looking forwards to more.
Guest chapter 46 . 6/22
Oh my goodness I’m still waiting for the next update I love your book stay safeeee
martinez.maui2013 chapter 46 . 6/14
This is the best tomione story I have ever read it's not too cliche or trying hard. the story just flow natural and I love Tom and hermione comes a long way of their relationship I hope Tom becomes a man and admit to hermione that he likes her it is much easier that way to surrender to love so he can stop making excuses for hermione to stay with him but Tom is so prideful God i love it they're so both shy and in undenial... Please update this is a enjoyable story for quarantine I hope everyone stay safe and healthy don't stop believing.. God bless ️
martinez.maui2013 chapter 46 . 6/14
Wonderful story got me hooked up.
Please update.
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 46 . 6/3
A truly fascinating exploration of Tom Riddle’s psychology while also providing a neat explanation for Hermione’s presence that puts clear thought into her new background while still making her recognisable as the muggle-born magical genius we all know and love.
Her pre-Hogwarts interaction with Tom is well-handled, the two geniuses providing intriguing contrasts to each other that particularly acknowledge Tom’s future ideology as Voldemort without him having developed his more ruthless traits yet.
Your ideas about such subtle moments as why Tom didn’t make such an initially bad impression on Dumbledore make sense, and I can tentatively speculate that having a friend to encourage her intellectual side pre-Hogwarts made it ‘easier’ for Hermione to be sorted into Ravenclaw rather than Gryffindor (although Dumbledore’s comparatively lesser reputation at this time may have also helped). It’s also intriguing to see Tom develop a more tentative ‘appreciation’ for muggles through his exposure to the Grangers, seeing evidence that lack of magic doesn’t automatically make one basically useless even if he still considers himself superior to the average person.
There’s a certain amusement in how Tom deals with such human issues as puberty by basically treating them as challenges to be overcome rather than just dealing with it like anyone else, but even those moments are countered by such grimmer developments as Tom basically ‘stealing’ Aragog for himself just as a suitable subject for him to experiment with mental manipulation. At the same time, it’s intriguing to see the subtle ways in which Hermione has encouraged Tom to adopt a more moderate view, tolerating the standards of society so long as he can find ways to ‘stack the deck’ in his favour for the immediate future where Voldemort was always about either playing the long game while gathering followers or gaining a more immediate advantage during a public war.
I still slightly question how he let Hermione talk him into that investigation of the Ministry archives when he didn’t know what she knew, but it makes a certain sense for Tom to be less interested in exploring his heritage when he has Hermione to encourage him to progress as an individual and achieve greatness on his own merits rather than try and find the secrets of his heritage on his own out of some need for identity.
By contrast, it’s also kind of ‘sad’ how Hermione’s never really had a chance to push herself and her abilities in her interactions with Riddle; unlike in canon, while she has perfect scores, she’s never had a reason to do anything beyond the tasks in front of her, thus preventing her from exploring such canon achievements as organising the D.A. or helping to train a Triwizard Champion.
Still, with Tom taking his own path in finding a way to oppose Grindlewald’s forces (albeit for more self-centred motives than anything Harry would have considered in canon), colour me intrigued to see how this will play out for all concerned parties…
Hope you’re going to take this fic further; I’m not sure what to expect, but be assured I’m very impressed.
…Any chance we can ‘expect’ to see a few more ‘familiar faces’ besides Dumbledore or Hagrid in the immediate future?
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 46 . 5/30
I haven’t put my this down since I started reading it, and I am so excited for the next chappie! Thanks for all your hard work!
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 43 . 5/29
Okay, it’s after 1 am here and I’m lying in bed chuckling at the “breeding” parts conversation.
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 16 . 5/28
“Hermione, you’re a girl...” matter the age, she can’t escape Captain Obvious.
missmalefoy810 chapter 46 . 5/24
Hey !

I just binge-read your story in two days and let me tell you that it's really really good !

I hope that you're doing well and that one day, you'll post the next chapter.

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