Reviews for Dark Magic Knight of the Void
TonyMon318 chapter 4 . 4/22
Liking the story so far, but will it be possible that Victor will be joining Nicolas on his adventures since Victor is not technically a familiar?
Kamikisekai chapter 1 . 4/10
Love the Rwby ref hehe so i gotta ask. When are you gunna update this fanfic?
Guest chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
Okay as I'm sure you're well aware given Wolzard's record, he doesn't have a lot of spells to begin with.
So he is going to need a lot of versatility in his mystic arsenal, maybe a new form or two, if he's going to take on the entirety of the Hades Empire.
Obsidian Nova Arc chapter 4 . 9/19/2019
damn this was awesome
KRCustom chapter 4 . 9/13/2019
Fouquet is now a Orphnoch, isn't she?
Aldanias chapter 4 . 7/4/2019
Okay, we’ve got a SS Teammate and a Kamen Rider, honestly, i’ Half expecting the next guy to be able to tuen into a Ultraman or something, but something more insane would be if the next friend can turn into The King of the Monsters himself
Guest chapter 4 . 5/18/2019
I have a feeling that Matilda (Forque) is now an orcfonoc.

Ps: Sorry for spelling ocfonoc wrong. I don't remember how to spell it.
WargreymonZ chapter 4 . 5/11/2019
Okay, Nicolas. I think there is a Kamen Rider, Super Sentai is enough, but I don't think there is a magical girl enemy or giant monster here.
edboy4926 chapter 4 . 5/9/2019
Awesome chapter
Oniele chapter 4 . 5/9/2019
augustopisicinas chapter 4 . 5/9/2019
what comes next, a dark ultraman?
duskrider chapter 4 . 5/9/2019
Nice though I do wonder if there are others from similar series that are going to appear. I mean there are at least one other Familiar left. Assuming that a certain girl does not end up summoning someone a second time making him a dual bonded familiar.
Austin chapter 4 . 5/9/2019
Ok nice chapter and honestly suprised of kamen rider sorcerer being in this story along with phantoms which brings another question.
Since sentai and rider villains monster along with the heroes appearing in this story. Will there be more tokusatsu heroes and villains like nicholas said of a ultra kaijin. If so please do that bring in more sentai, rider along with ultra, metal hero and what ever other tokusatsu genre heroes and villains.
Though can you bring in the kaiju of ultra, gamera, and most importantly Godzilla.
Because I honestly want to see both nicholas and victor crap their pants if they see Godzilla as well in familiar of zero world. If they are told to fight the monster they'll go "oh hell no." Because the natives of halkeginia dont even realize that they're asking two tokustastu heroes to go and attack the king of the monsters, the god of destruction, and other badass and feared titles. Nicholas and victor are many things but they are overall not stupid and also not suicidal.

Because no fucks with the king of the monsters and lives to tell about it.

So theres that and also another suggestion if it's possible can you have nicholas in his wolzard armor say the oaths of the nights watch from game of thrones. You know how he is the sword in the darkness, and also the shield that guards the realms of men.
Because it fits so well with wolzard how he is a knight of darkness and has both sword and shield.

Also hope you'll use my unigolon suggestion of the unicorn zord being a female like American counterpart in mystic force bright star because I can see both barikion and a female unigolon being a good pair of mates as it kinda balances things out of a horse of darkness with a horse of light.

Good luck on the next chapter and hope it comes soon.
Legend Knight 00 chapter 4 . 5/9/2019
Took you long enough but love the twist
Toa Solaric chapter 4 . 5/8/2019
This is not bad chapter especially I'm surprised that Kamen Rider Sorcerer appeared here along with Phantoms! LOL! I'm curious on what is his Inner Phantom going to look alike if he ever goes to the Underworld...
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