Reviews for Albion AU: Manipulating Merlin
Taz chapter 8 . 6/11
I love this chapter so much, I've read it over and over three times. It's just too funny and adorable.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/11
1917farmgirl chapter 8 . 4/24
This was funny and sweet, and I love it. Arthur with the kids, Leon's bringing them there, the secret spilling out. And Guess he does get the girl!

I'm never quite sure where I stand on Merlin and Mithian. On the one hand I like her and next to Freya she really is the only girl from the series I could kinda see him with. But on the other hand I can never quite imagine Merlin THAT enmeshed in Royal life. It seems much more probable to me if he did marry it would be just a normal peasant girl.

I did live this here, though. They were cute and sweet and Merlin will NEVER live this down. Hehehe

Hope you feel better!
1917farmgirl chapter 7 . 4/24
AWWWWW! I need more Arthur and Merlin interacting with kids in my life! Please! This was the best! THIS is what makes Arthur the greatest king. :)
1917farmgirl chapter 6 . 4/24
This was hilarious! Poor Merlin, struggling to explain without using those words, while a certain Prat gets in the way. hehehe

The pink hair was the best. And Merlin getting the girl.

I think Arthur should get some pink hair in the future.
1917farmgirl chapter 5 . 4/24
Awww...I really love this one. I love Merlin's connection to what is good and beautiful and...simple in the world. It's part of what just makes me adore him as a character.

But I love even more how he shares that with Arthur here. And how Arthur recognizes it as a true gift.

1917farmgirl chapter 2 . 4/24
I adore Merlin's clumsiness. I know in the show he sort of grows out if it in the later seasons, but in my head canon it stays. I love that the most powerful man on Earth can just as easily trip over air as call down lighting from the sky.

But I can also very much see the truth in this version as well. It's a really intriguing idea, with so much right in it. Because Merlin really did give up so much of himself for Arthur and the kingdom, there had to be done relief in finally letting go.

Loved it as always!
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 8 . 3/28
Loved these!
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 6 . 3/28
AHahhaha! I didn't see that coming!
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 5 . 3/28
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 4 . 3/28
AHa, that's sweet!
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 3 . 3/28
Oh this was excellent!
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 2 . 3/28
Ahaha, a great explanation!
Hades Lord of the Dead chapter 1 . 3/28
oma13 chapter 8 . 7/13/2019
Loved it! I love it when Merlin gets the girl, especially when it's Mithian!
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