Reviews for Hermione's Plan was written by Chem Prof
rothfriedrich2 chapter 10 . 1/6
This Fan fic ist also a s/13396076/1/The-Ilvermorny-Champion IT IS by rapier 124.
How do i Report a fanfic Others just Put IT in the comends?
Lora chapter 10 . 11/26/2019
It's crazy to think there are so many plagiarized fanfiction stories out there. I'm not sure what benefit the thief gets. It would seem a lot of effort for no real reason. Shame on them for stealing the hard work of authors who selflessly posted their stories. And good job to AO3 for taking down stolen stories so quickly.
Jensindenial3516 chapter 10 . 10/6/2019
OMG this just fired me up. I'm already taking a break from studying. Oh I reported a few, reviewed them as stolen, and then messaged their reviewers. lol, now its back to Math :( I hate math.
hawkswench chapter 9 . 9/26/2019
u/10649019/shannon185 She has a listing of stories that were stolen and the nicks of those that have been banned because of stealing and such. Not sure if you had seen this or not.
hawkswench chapter 10 . 9/26/2019
The story the wizard who meddled with time by Team otter. They removed their story from ff so the stolen copy is the only version left. There is another story with that title but it is a totally different story.
embers chapter 10 . 9/26/2019
Ugh...I go to the front page and keep seeing more and more of these. Keep reporting what I see, but it doesn't seem to do much of anything.
TeaGrannie chapter 10 . 9/23/2019
Thank-you for the heads up. I have several stories and ficlets I was about to post on this site... I will not post here under the rampant uncontrolled "Theft of Intellectual Property" that goes on on this site. Guess I'll be trying out 'Archive of Their Own' I have no wish for my 'Intellectual Children' to be co-opted by vainglorious literary pirates. I could see borrowing the additions to the Potter-verse etc. and using them to tell the story a different way as everyone does who writes fan fiction. However, claiming my 'Literary Children as their own is much to far beyond the pale for me to actually post on a site that doesn't slaughter the perpetrators so to speak. All they'd have to do is check the publish dates and they'd know who was the actual Author.

Once again thank-you for the heads up,
IJustWannaReadEpicStories chapter 1 . 9/23/2019
I report every one I see as well, but FF doesn't care. They don't take them down nor do anything to prevent it. It's sickening and it's a great fear that one day I'll see my work from a thief's account. I changed my name and took down my stories, but I'm still in danger.
Arjayess chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
I'm tired of reporting re-posted stories to Admin (AND sending plagiarists a 'Reported!' 'Review'). Still do it.

*Especially after I started reading a story and sent 'Good Story' to 'author', only to find the completed story later after 'Bookmarking' the ORIGINAL author's profile page!*
Hiten Mitsurugi Battosai chapter 10 . 9/22/2019
i get where your coming from listing these, but part of the issue is, that while your directing people to the proper source your only putting the bandage on after the wounds infected. The only way to fix this is to keep reporting the fics and getting people to go to the page of the person plagiarizing the fics on the 10 pages and report them. Otherwise it may never be resolved.

A good idea would be to form a petition to remove the copier's fanfiction copys and possibly the account on your account profile for people to see and copy to put on them, and collect signatures via pms or even reviews to this bit of work. If you can get those people to file reports on this plagiarist AND drop the signed petition on their laps and they do not take action then furhter discussion will be merited. You can PM me for ideas on how to deal with this matter.
Hope you can get this sorted out for the fics true authors sake,

Tsukuyomi no Shōsan,
Khitten Mittsurugi Battosai
zeropolis79 chapter 10 . 9/22/2019
It's reasons like that I stopped posting.
mumimeanjudy chapter 10 . 9/22/2019
I've been reporting this jerk for months now. I really think most of these accounts were set up by the same person. I don't know why the mods take so long to do anything, but apparently it's just as bad at AO3.
R chapter 10 . 9/22/2019
I've read some of your works and like them, but find this crusade you have undertaken admirable. Fortunately only 1 story I am currently following was on your lists, and I have searched the true author, bookmarked that edition, and unbookmarked the version that was stolen. Thank you for your dedication from a teacher in the world of copy and paste homework,{R!}
Aelirenn chapter 7 . 9/22/2019
That is impressive. At least AO3 gives a damn, unlike FF. The main reason I still read stuff here is because their search function is so much better. If I were a writer though, I'd only post at AO3.
E1adar chapter 9 . 9/17/2019
Roger23 is another new thief
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