Reviews for scared but reckless
Little Miss Slytherclaw chapter 1 . 2/1/2019
I was terrified you were gonna kill Charlie again, and I just... couldn't have handled that.
Gah. Poor Draco. This was beautifully written though. Also, Ron's reaction when Draco first sat down in the cafeteria? Perfect.
I may be just a little in love with your writing.
ThwartedNormal chapter 1 . 8/18/2018
I super love it
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30/2018
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
You're not allowed to hate me for the mess that this will undoubtedly be, so just remember you love me while you read it, kay? Good.
I love that Draco wants to fake date a Weasley to get rid of his father. That's INSPIRED. And Ron is just like, it's cool dude. I'mma help you even though we're not friends. I love that!
THAT TEXT EXCHANGE THO. I LOVE! Draco and Ron banter is a thing I need that I didn't know I needed and it gives me life.
Okay but Charlie is perfect because he's SHORT! I AM DECEASED!
and charlie actually is perfect because he doesn't want to be responsible for Draco getting hurt and just all the feels because he is a BABE
Charlie's coming out gives me all the feels and I love it!
The Weasley meeting gives me life, from Molly being all mumsy and pure to Bill being a shit. I just love all of it.
Charlie is a shit. A box of wine and a motorbike. I AM DED. HE SLAYS ALREADY! AND SHIT HE'S JUST THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON FUCKING GIVING!
Aww. Poor Draco. I just want to cuddle him. Aww.
Okay this review is even messier than normal.
Remember you love me XD
Sophy chapter 1 . 4/26/2018
Sorta reviewing as I go because reasons.
So I love that Lucius went to war? Such an interesting concept for a Muggle!AU, I don't think I've ever seen it before but I love it :)
'that he deserves to leave' - I feel like maybe you meant live? Though I guess either could work...
Omg Draco seeing Ron eating and being all 'is this really worth it' gives me life (cwl) But I loved your Ron :p
Also 'older and a Weasly - that's the perfect combo'. Wait, he's short too? Jackpot. I loved your Draco's thoughts about Charlie (cwl)
(Consider me intrigued by SeamusDraco now (cwl))
And random soulmate!AU which is there in the background? I love it?
Omg Charlie meeting Lucius and Narcissa I'm dying (cwl) "so you're unemployed?" drag her Charlie she judged you for working with crawly things (cwl)
I can't believe Lucius asked Charlie how much he wanted to leave Draco alone (cwl) I mean, I can, but ugh. (also it's totally cliché but I always love that scene where they're all 'no money is worth you' and such. Sappy as hell, but I can never get enough :p)
BlaiseTheo for the win yesss
Omg there are no words for how much I love that they don't just jump into a relationship the moment Draco gets disowned. Like, part of it is the prolonged angst of 'does he actually like me or was it all for show' or fake dating!aus, but also this is so much healthier, I love it.
And Draco didn't know they were actually dating this is gold (cwl)
dramatic soulmate reveal I am so here for this!
"I don't want a soulmate but I want you" aww what kind of sappy tooth rotting fluff is this?!
I love it!
I loved this fic. So good. All the love. Seriously everything was so great and it flowed perfectly and I wish it had been longer just so I could have spent more time in this verse (cwl)
Nice work!
Cheers! :)
jennybenny2845 chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
The non-magical setting you chose for this fic totally worked, especially when you added the fake dating element to it. I liked the use of technology throughout, which would have been harder/less believable had you set it in the magical world.

While the soulmate aspect – bruises on Draco’s body showing up on someone else’s isn’t the most unique take on it, I liked that Draco didn’t realize Charlie was his soulmate until the end. I knew that was going to be the end game. Despite sensing the outcome, I enjoyed the journey Draco went on throughout the story. It takes guts to walk away from everything he’s ever known for a relationship that may not work out in the end.

The relationship between Charlie and Draco felt natural. I liked that Charlie gave Draco some space to think about how he wanted things to progress. They didn’t just jump into a real relationship, which I appreciated. The soulmate reveal coinciding with Charlie’s accident worked well.

Ngl, I didn’t enjoy this as much as I could have because of how you characterized Lucius. I don’t think he would have physically abused Draco. No way in hell would Narcissa let Lucius lay a hand on Draco. I can see Lucius being more verbally abusive with his high expectations, etc. than physically abusive.

Also, I would have wanted a small scene with Ron asking his brothers to date Draco and maybe some initial resistance on their part until Ron explains why Draco needs help. Also, it seemed like the Weasley family was quick to accept Draco. I’ll chalk that up to the Weasleys knowing about the abuse and being supportive of Draco’s efforts to leave his family.

Overall, this was a good story with great pacing and flow that made it easy to read despite its length. The development of Charlie and Draco’s relationship made this work for me despite not supporting the Abusive!Lucius aspect to it.
ThwartedNormal chapter 1 . 4/17/2018
I love this more than words can say
isaacswolfsbane chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
Pretty sure you deserve a medal or something because you actually made me cry and I do not cry easily.

This was fucking incredible! Like, I don't even know where to start I'm a little bit lost for words right now. I'm honestly in awe of your writing ability. How you manage to write 8k words is beyond me, but then to write it and make it not feel long like how?

Honestly, you and Sam have made me fall in love with this pairing so hard and I've only read like 3 xD

I guess the easy place to start is characterisation? Perfect. Like honestly I want both of them in my life. They were so smol and pure and just perfect for each otgher. You wrote them fitting so naturally together and that just made it all the more adorable, especially with oblivious Draco not realising they weren't faking it any longer.

I even loved how you write Lucius in this. It was really nice for him to have a reason to be a dick to Draco rather than just that he's a dick. You gave him the perfect backstory to make his actions seem plausible. Not that I like his actions, I want to beat him up for hurting Draco like that, but they were perfectly justified within the fic and added so much more depth to Draco's character.

I can't even pick out certain parts that I liked, you know. Like it was all just so stunning. The scene at the Burrow where Molly's so welcoming almost had me in tears because it was just so sweet, then Theo and Blaise being good little buddies! I'm not happy about the little hints at Theo being beaten up by his dad, though. How dare you do that to my baby?!

The end, though. The end just melted my little heart. The way Draco dropped everything and rushed to Charlie's side. Just. I can't even put it into words. It was so beautiful and touching and heartwarming. I needed this in my life.

Great job :)
galaxies in her eyes chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
Laura, I'm reviewing as I go along here. Please stick with me!

~ AHHH, THE BEGINNING WAS SO PERFECT! I love it. Like, I can vividly imagine this. Lucius in autopilot mode and getting married and producing an heir, but never being the same again.

~ XD, I wish the part where Ron looks up at Draco was a video. It's so realistic and so how I picture him eating. Messy...

~ Lucius and Narcissa being soulmates is an interesting concept. I always thought that soulmates were made for me another — that they were the other's missing half. But this has changed my headcanon -_- Bad Lo...

~ The sarcasm in the texts! (Is that what they were?) I adore antiphrasis, and Draco's last line was hilarious and so dry. I could almost hear him saying it in my mind :p

~ The dinner is adorable *-* Like, oh my gosh, I'm seriously fangirling over it! One typo: "a small alcove the feels private" in which "the" should be "that."

~ When he meets Molly o.O. Like, "if that sounds too alarming" — I laughed my ass off :D Everyone's reactions were so normal; I loved how Molly didn't react at all to Draco's name and the fact that Lucius ruined Arthur's chances at a job. It just seems like something that she would do. The way that Molly told Charlie's coming out was just perfect.

~ The scene where Draco gets disowned is perfect. It's so realistic and I loved how he resisted, saying that he would choose love. So cute and an action I totally agree with :)

~ When Ron told Draco what'd happened, I was literally on the edge of my seat. I was super relieved when they got back together

This was an amazing story and I loved every single thing about it. The details you put into your writing are intricate and add so much to the fic. I'm honestly so jealous of your ability to write such awesome stuff — and such long fics, too! All the prompts you used came together in a story that I feel I could read again and again. I liked the tense in this even though I usually don't, and much kudos for keeping with it for 8000 words! It's so hard for me to even do it for 800 -_-

Also, I didn't ship Chaco before I read this, but I think I'm addicted now. I can't wait to go back and read more of your stuff — and I look forward to everything else you write in the future.

Fantastic story. I absolutely adored it. Please keep writing great fics like this!
MissingMommy chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
You already know that this fic gives me so much life. And that I'm totally weak for fake dating. I've never been happier to have put fake dating as a prompt. Then on top of that, I get it as a soulmate!au. Like fuck yes.

[he knows this: his father is still at war] what are you doing to my bby? But this is a beautiful sentence. Dear Salazar, just the idea of Draco being his father's enemy is painful. I think you captured the damage the abuse is doing to Draco perfectly here. The fact that he believes what his father says and fuck.

I love what you did with Ron. The fact that he's willing to do what he can to help Draco, even though they're not even friends. Man, that's just so perfectly Ron and I love it.

["I want to date one of your brothers."] This made me laugh. Just like Draco to get straight to the point and poor Ron. He's all like, "wat?"

Ron not explaining the Rhino was hilarious and beautiful. I also enjoy the fact that you made Kingsley Charlie's boss. I also need to know what Ron said to Charlie about fake dating Draco because that must've been an interesting convo. "So you're not dating anyone right now? Okay, cool. Will you date Draco Malfoy? Well, fake date him to be more precise. Yes, I'm being serious. It's for a good cause. Oh you'll do it. Great. Thanks, Charlie."

The first interaction between Draco and Charlie just makes me so happy. That dragon tattoo! I want. The way that Charlie is concerned with Draco, despite the fact that they've never meet before is perfect. Goddamn bleeding heart!Charlie. And Charlie asking if this will get Draco hurt. My heart, babe. I just. Yes.

So the fact that Charlie's like "we should test run this" just reminds me of that E/R fake dating turns real dating!au and I love that. Just so weak for fake dating.

[Draco wonders if short and freckled is becoming a type as he looks at Charlie and thinks hot damn] I'm totally down with this. You def got a type, Draco. You're better off admitting it now.

So the zookeeper is like a perf job for Charlie. As you probably already know, I flip between zookeeper and firefighter for jobs of Muggle!Charlie. I also enjoy the fact that he's working with the snakes. Am I sensing a bit of Slytherin snake connection? I'm still digging Kingsley being Charlie's boss. And Draco sitting there, just listening to Charlie ramble about his job and thinking that it won't be so bad dating him is just perfection.

I totally agree with Bill about Charlie just throwing Draco into the deep end. But Molly&Draco was so sweet and yes. Just yes. I love the fact that despite knowing that Lucius ruined Arthur and both of them knowing it, that Molly still is kind to him, still offers him a place if his parents don't take the "I'm gay" news well. No worries, I'm just over here drowning in my tears. I'm good.

Also the fact that the Weasleys have a set up and wash up routine when they share dinners (I'm assuming it's like a once a week thing). That was adorable. Okay, I'm super intrigued by BillTonks. I need to know, are they still together?

The babe pet name made me blink for a moment because I realized that I've never actually hced them as calling each other pet names, beside Charlie calling Draco "Dray". But I like the babe. It just threw me for a moment, but I like it. Dunno if it'll become a hc for me or not though.

["I was wondering if I might have someone over for dinner."] When I first read this, all I could remember was you trying to make Draco into a cannibal and I'm still giggling.

Charlie. On a motorcycle. Just yes. I'm here for this. It also reminds me a bit of Sirius and that one prompt about the fake significant other who will fuck up any family dinner. I dunno if you were inspired by the second, but I still love it. And Charlie purposefully rolling up his sleeves to show off his tattoo and keeping his hair down. Beautiful. Also a *box* of wine is a hilarious overkill. Also, fair warning, this bit is gonna have a lot of quotes because it's too brill not to.

[fake, sloppy salute] I'm not gonna lie, this would piss me off too. Just saying. So Lucius was definitely pissed about it.

[venomous snake, fangs bared.] I just realized this fucking foreshadow. This is my 4th read through and I'm just now noticing. I would put that unimpressed emoji if I could.

The fact that Lucius and Narcissa is like "no" when Draco introduces Charlie as his boyfriend and then Charlie's all like ["I don't think that's really up to you lot, is it? I think that's between Draco and me."] Charlie is such a fucking Gryffindor.

["I work with snakes and spiders and all manner of creepy-crawly things," Charlie says cheerfully.] Perf description of the a reptile specialist zookeeper. 100% love.

["Ah, so you're unemployed?" /"No, Mr. Weasley. I am a homemaker. That is my job." / "Mmmmhmm,"] savage af, Charlie. I totally approve.

[Draco thought he was ready for this. /He thought he was ready to stand up to his father. But the truth is, his father has always been the one thing he is truly afraid of.] What are you doing to my bby? This just hurts so much. Gdi.

Okay, so I really enjoyed the fact that this was a soulmate!au but it wasn't the focus of the story. That it's there, in the background, but it subtle. I also love the injury sharing!soulmate, particularly the fact that it's colored. I haven't seen that before but I really liked it. I wanna know how the colors are determined though.

["Or are you only brave enough to touch someone you know won't hit back?"] Goddamn bloody Gryffindor here. Like fuck. The fact that put all the information together and is so very blunt about it. And basically calling Lucius a coward, I'm here for that. I love Charlie's fucking bravery. Which should be unsurprising.

[But he's still not really ready for open defiance, and so he goes.] My bby! This just hurts so much.

Lucius offering money for Charlie to leave is fucking awful and in character. And fuck, I wanna acquaint my fist with Lucius face, repeatedly.

Draco assuming that Charlie took the offer of ten thousand pounds because his family could use it is heartbreaking. And Charlie's like, "what?" Perf. Just Charlie reminding him that he's helping Draco try to get away from his father. Out of curiosity, is around the time when it stops being fake for Charlie? Because if not, and Charlie having to remind Draco that he's just fake dating him would be absolutely heartbreaking and I don't think my poor, broken heart could take that.

The next scene of Draco actually being disowned just. Fuck. The fact that Lucius wouldn't even allow him to grab clothes is awful. Another reason why I would like to see how his face feels against my fist. But Draco going to Theo after is amazing. The fact that Draco is finally realizing what it's like to have a friend is beautiful.

Theo&Blaise&Draco here is beautiful. They don't judge Draco, just offer a pull out bed and to call Seamus. I'm definitely here for this. And Draco knowing that he'll get a chance to figure out who he is without living in fear of his father is perfection.

I also love the Seamus!cameo here. And the fact that Theo and Seamus both understand exactly what Draco's going through hurts my heart for them but also makes me happy that Draco has friends in his corner. I think I forgot to mention it earlier, but I'm also intrigued by the DracoSeamus mention so if you could write a fic about them and the BillTonks that'll be great.

[C: Are you breaking up with me over text? Gasp. I'm hurt.] Brb, I'm just laughing myself to death over here. This is just golden.

The cafe scene just hurts. Draco obviously wanta to keep up the "facade" but he's not going to because that would be terrible thing to do to Charlie. And Charlie's just like, "yes I still want to be friends but this needs to be on your terms" is so him that it hurts. It hurts knowing that Charlie wants to still date Draco but is willing to give it up. Just fuck.

[It's because he's changing the bandage around his left wrist when] Okay, so I missed this when I read over it but this should be the right wrist, from here on out. I didn't realized you changed wrists when I was reading through, and with the cafe scene, it would make more sense to go change everything to right wrist than to change the first mention to the left.

But Draco freaking out about the injury shared!snake bite and Charlie is beautiful and I fucking died at Theo's ["Wow, that is two very different problems."] Seriously died. And I love that Theo is like, just call fucking Ron to see. Just yes.

["You actually didn't know, did you? God, you guys haven't been fake dating since… I don't know, the first fucking week?"] Theo's reaction is perfection. And it's hilarious that Draco didn't realize. I just love it.

["Where?" / "At the zoo, obviously."] Please send help, I'm dying. I can just imagine Ron's face when he says at the zoo. Yes. Too perfect.

Charlie and Draco getting their shit together is life. Charlie being adament about not holding power over Draco is so real. And Draco deciding that even though he doesn't want a soulmate, he wants Charlie.

Babe. This fic is life. Just pure perfection and I love it and you. And yes. All of the yeses. Thank you.
ipsa dixit chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
why is my brain shipping dracoseamus that wasn't the point
and yes i know this review is really short but you're getting hogwarts feedback from me, so count that as a review :p
but yeah. dracoseamus...
Raeshi chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Great story. I loved how you developed Charlie and Draco's relationship.
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Nicely done. And I don't like soulmate a us as a rule. Keep writing