Reviews for Two Dead Husks and a Random Mithrandir
Cuthalion97 chapter 1 . 3/22/2019
In the limited vocabulary of a delighted reader: Wow. :D What a great ending! And I certainly love your characterization of Gandalf. It was accurate as can be.
Anduniela chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
That was sweet and warm, and touching. I guess being in the Blessed Realm, back with some, and for the first time with others, of his elders, means Elrond can be a little more self-indulgent than back in Rivendell. I have to agree with Lia Whyteleafe that Mithrandir calling him child is sweet and understandable, and, in a way, satysfying. Elrond really needs someone older, wiser and not restricted by a class distinction to give comfort.
I'm glad you followed the well-established fanon that the twins did sail. Oh, and how I wonder what this quarrel with Irmo's people was about!
Lia Whyteleafe chapter 1 . 1/21/2018
Someone said Elrond is the most tragic of all Tolkien's characters. I would have to agree with them wholeheartedly on this.

Mithrandir calling Elrond - ELROND - 'child' is sweet and completely understandable. To be honest, at times it's easy to forget what Gandalf truly is. I wonder what the news the other Maia will bring?

I like to think the twins sailed eventually. Their grandfather did, after all. Also - you reimbodied Gil-galad!

This was a lovely story, Gwed.
penguinated chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
Sometimes I forget about the friendship between these two, but I love it! You always capture Elrond so perfectly, and you did Mithrandir wonderfully as well! This was really sweet, and I adored the little hint at the end that Elladan and Elrohir are on their way back to their parents :D
Levade chapter 1 . 1/19/2018
I love it! Poor Elrond, he's lost so much and remained kind and open. But to lose all three children would be a blow. I love the interaction between Elrond and Gandalf. They are such old friends and it shows. Best of all is the end, which I was hoping for! Thanks for the lovely tale. :)