Reviews for Knowledge and Belief
Guest chapter 16 . 12/27/2019
Eliot Frost your father is about to be killed! Go help him instead of lolygagging.
wanderer02 chapter 16 . 3/9/2019
Are you going to continue this? I really want to know if jack fixes his relationship with his son. I love this story and really hope you do continue it.
Imagining Dreamer chapter 16 . 6/6/2018
Sweet! Now they're gonna work together to go find Jack! Hopefully. Looking forward to the next chapter.
PhantomGoat13 chapter 15 . 5/31/2018
Very good chapter. As far as names, Clementine, Snowdrop, and Lily.
XinterestingX chapter 15 . 5/30/2018
Ah, yes! More Pitch! Him being the wise guy here is really fun to see, especially with the added part of him being the Grim Reaper.
And Bunny is learning about what happened! Good, very good. Then they’ll soon get back on track again.
WickedInk chapter 14 . 5/29/2018
Um hi, yeah, hey I’d just like to say...WHY!? TT! My HEART! My BABIES! TT and yes, I want Pitch to come back. You’ve delved I ti an i treating new world for him and I wanna see where you can take it.
RCRC36 chapter 14 . 5/28/2018
Great story
PeterPanfan13 chapter 14 . 5/23/2018
No! Jack, come back! Great chapter, everything that was said was in character and logical...but still sad. Can't wait for more!
XinterestingX chapter 14 . 5/22/2018
Ah, Jack. Poor guy, this really can’t be easy for him. Though, I think he’s going about it the wrong way. Leaving everyone and everything isn’t the right way to do this, and besides he made a vow when he became a Guardian. Can’t just forget about that now.
I’m imagening one of the other Guardians, most likely Bunny, will find him and clear things up. Eventually at least.
(Of course I want Pitch back XD Don’t know how that’ll work out but I love that guy so much, hehe)
Imagining Dreamer chapter 14 . 5/22/2018
Ah! The angst of Jack Frost! Will this lead to Elliot seeking out Bunny!? Only time will tell.
I'm don't think it's possible for Pitch to come back so soon after his previous defeat. But maybe as Death. Would add an interesting element to the fic.
Nelson Cabrera G chapter 13 . 5/21/2018
I have two little questions to you, one of them personal here I come, please don't offense.
are you from?
2. what kind of bond between jack and bunny are here, brotherly , relationship or fraternal, i mean I ask you this because we can just see Bunny and jack's names in the introdution and I don't know if bunny has a crush on jack or something like that. I'm just confused, plesea resolve my doubts when you update the next chapter.
Nemesis dan Impyrean chapter 13 . 4/30/2018
That wasn't as dramatic as I'd thought. Oh well.

I'm sorry I'm not sobbing my eyes out, but we didn't get to know Blake that well. It's like telling me the guy across the street died.

"Who? Really? Well... that sucks."
WickedInk chapter 13 . 4/28/2018
Well THANKS for making me CRY at WORK! Now everyone is looking at me like O.O
XinterestingX chapter 13 . 4/28/2018
*gives applause* Very good! Perfect way to bring Pitch to the others attention. Not carefully, like he’s afraid, but straight forward, inerutping them in their conversation. Just who he is.
Should’ve forgives our he was the Grim Reaper too, with all the little hints. A good combination, fear and death. Not happy, but good.
Imagining Dreamer chapter 13 . 4/28/2018
It's sad that Blake died, but I was kinda expecting something to happen to him.
And Pitch as the Grim Reaper. It kinda makes sense that he would have other duties, but it might take me a while to wrap my head around it. Also, I'm guessing that Sandy somehow knew about it.
Also, I didn't really understand how the Mural at the Tooth Palace plays a role here. That or I'm just being stupid...
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