Reviews for A Good Man
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14
Shame you didn’t do a follow up based on other parts, such as when they took control of the French prize ship or the action at the end of the episode when Hornblower took control over Simpson etc.
Westel chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Loved how you helped us see Hornblower (and other types of young officers) through Matthews' eyes. Matthews was one of my favorite characters (Styles, too), rating just short of Hornblower and Pellew. A very good job, I must say! Would like to see Matthews - and Styles - opinions of other characters, as well. Or incidents in their lives. Consider this a BIG hint! Well done!
constantlearner chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
A wonderful little piece, just as long as it needs to be.
ProbableImpossibilities chapter 1 . 12/28/2017
This was nice to read! I like that we get to see things from Matthews' point of view, which is something that doesn't happen often in fan fiction or the series itself. Great job!