Reviews for The Art of Living
Incognito3 chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
This was perfect! I so badly want to see a happy ending for them.

I’m sorry your 2017 was so rough. I’m hoping your 2018 is much better. Would love to read more of your work soon.
CapeZero chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
What a cute ending! And what a perfect short story to choose to ease myself back into the NCIS:LA fan fiction again.
I could definitely see this (or some version of) having occurred in the show. The two just seem too selfless to quit just because they felt it was time; as you perfectly depictured with having them stay around for another 6 weeks after actually having made the decision. A bit different with the lack of a lot of conversations, but it showed their non-verbal communication skills of perfectly.
(Side note: you’re missing an ‘n’ in Kensi’s response, when Deeks asked if she was cold...not that it took away from the story!)
conservativegirl chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
This is absolutely phenomenal! I just now catching up on the series and I was wrecked by this episode, and this picked up the pieces in the most lovely way! :)
cullengirl08 chapter 1 . 1/29/2018
What a great one shot! And I can totally see things happening just like this did!
jlnonnekes chapter 1 . 1/28/2018
please write a sequel to this! i want it to go further so bad! lovely writing btw ;)
bryank97 chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
great one shot!
jimmer chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
Beautiful, tear jerking beautiful...
redbanker chapter 1 . 11/22/2017
OMG! This was perfect and beautiful and I don't want it to happen on the show but if it did it would truly be the ending the characters deserve. You are a goddess and I hope 2018 is better and as always can't wait for an update to ADLS.
Danari88 chapter 1 . 11/20/2017
Fantastic story. This storyline, on the show and in your fic, has me so torn in two. I love Densi and want them truly happy -and for them this means kids and the picket fence, but I love seeing them run and gun together with their team. You did an amazing job of digging into the nuances of the characters' innermost feelings and fears, while respecting where they have arrived as a couple and as partners. I don't know where the show will land on this, but you did a great job of taking me to the end of their NCIS journey and making me not feel too sad that it was over. Well, a little sad...but not too bad. (Grin)
ucialum85 chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
Beautifully done! Perfect really. Thank you for this story. I look forward to your next chapter of ADLS, whenever you post it.
eskiwetatat chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
I always love reading your story. Looking forward for your update on ADLS.
used to be me chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
this is wonderful
thank you
basicnsync chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
The very realistic combination of love, tension, and indecision is portrayed so well here! I love the fact that you didn't wrap things up quickly and easily, including the pregnancy and wedding. Beautiful job!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/19/2017

Thank you for letting me get lost in this beautiful story.
maude2010 chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
Amazing story as always. Looing forward to whatever new story you’ll be writing and to your update on ADLS. So sorry to hear that this year has been hard for you. I hope that things get better for you soon.
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