Reviews for A father's duty
jadasimone16 chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
Iris: If you die, I will not care.
Dante 101 chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
Iris becoming the new Felicity? Don't you think that you're letting your personal bias regarding Felicity come into play here?

Oh and I totally agree with you here. Iris had a pretty stupid plan regarding turning herself into the Samurai to get Barry out of his OOCness with no repercussions. Good one.
AlwaysPerfect chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
Honestly, the only reason I've tolerated Iris in the beginning was because I just kept thinking, "Iris West is important. She is married to Barry Allen. Iris West is a nessicary character. Iris West and Barry Allen have to be together." However, after Arrow killed Laurel, aka half of one of the most famous comic book couples of all time, I started hoping that they would do the same to Iris. Barry should've been with Patty or Caitlin, both have far better chemistry. When they killed HR instead of Iris, I was would they get rid of a likeable character? And then I realized it. Iris is Flash's Felicity.

But seriously, as soon as the premier vegan, my immediate reaction was, "Why is she in charge?" Iris is capable of literally nothing. She is a journalist and therefore serves no purpose to Team Flash. At least with Felicity, she actually had a purpose.
orthankg1 chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
Very nice.
DragonsintheMoonlight chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
I've hated Iris since the very beginning of the series. I've tried so hard to like her, even tricked myself into thinking I did for a while, but every time I try, every time I think I'm almost there, the writers make her do something stupid. And now Iris seems to be at the peak of her stupidity and selfishness. Have you seen the promo for the WA therapy? It's awful. Iris is being an over controlling bitch. Thank you for this fan fiction where Joe rips Iris a new one. Someone needs to tell her off already. Cisco kind of did last episode, but it wasn't enough. I want Barry to get away from that bitch, but I doubt the writers will be intelligent and get rid of her/scrap their romance.
Bl4ckHunter chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
That’s what bugged me, Joe would’ve definitely freaked out on her for that stupid stunt

I’m keeping an open mind for Flash, Arrow and LOT but frankly, after what Iris just did, I’m digging another grave for another Arrowverse show
BrickercupMasterX3 chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Thank you! This was exactly what I needed after that awful season premiere! Iris was just beyond unbearable in that episode.

Really enjoyed the fanfic.
Michael Weyer chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
First, glad to see you back, was a bit worried given been a while since any updates.

And good bit here, Joe giving Iris much needed tough love as this is hardly the first time she's risked herself and he needs her to understand that.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Yeah Iris was beyond stupid to d
GuestArcher120 chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Doesn’t the Thinker kinda look like M.O.D.O.K though, again, enjoyable story and I’ll be waiting for more.
GuestArcher120 chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
At least I know I’m not the only one who felt this way during the premiere. Tbh I was like what the hell how is Iris the leader and not Cisco or Caitlin. Then she was a bitch throughout the entire episode. I did enjoy this fic and the episode though,
ArlyssTolero chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I am glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Great little fic, and it gives Iris something to think about. Of course, I'm sure there'll be some who throw a fit, call you racist, blah blah blah, but that's expected from idiots on the Internet. :)
LycoX chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Nicely done.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
I'm really glad that you wrote this! Iris was really annoying in this episode and I feel like she was just being stupid and bossy throughout the whole thing. It really annoyed me how she gave herself up like that like wtf she had no idea wether that would work or not. And she was acting like she's the boss and shit yet she has no real skills, Caitlin, Cisco or Joe would have made a better leader than her. Tbh Iris has annoyed me throughout the entire series, like she has no interest in being with Barry what so ever until she finds out he's the Flash, then she just fucks him about and sends him mixed signals till they finally get together and she becomes even more annoying. And have you noticed in other timelines she just starts snogging him as soon as she realises that Barry is the flash? But she showed no interest in him before she realised he was a superhero. I was hoping that they'd kill her off in season 3 but yenno. I still loved the new episode tho and I love the show. And this little fic was great.
Phillipe363 chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Enjoyable one shot

Yeah Iris really has become the new Felicity

I liked this for Joe setting Iris straight for her stupid move, since yeah this what he would have done if being written correctly.