Reviews for Harry Potter and his Imaginary Friend
Spellflame chapter 3 . 7/5
KyuubinUzumaki chapter 3 . 6/25/2018
I wonder how Angelica was able to touch the wanted she hasn't been able to move chess pieces when others are watching? What is she if not truly a figment of Harry's imagination? Some sort of poltergeist? Since she's cold to Harry's touch? Curious, very curious.
naturefox64 chapter 3 . 5/22/2018
angelica should be in same house as Harry they have always been together it have negative effects if there separated
naturefox64 chapter 3 . 5/22/2018
evil Dumbledore because Harry wasn't raised the way he wanted and Harry won't fall for his tricks because of angelica

I say snapes house because if you have evil Dumbledore you have to have a snake Harry but he can be grey not evil and also because the Gryffindors would make fun of him or bully him for talking to angelica while the snakes mainly draco would support and watch out for him

before, make it that draco wasn't their for him at the time and Ron to advantage of him being alone but before he can do to much damage Luna can come and help Harry and they become friends
please update
Thundramon chapter 3 . 3/1/2018
Bored of evil Dumbledore, so a good one please.

Besides a Harry who admits he is crazy and willing to be locked up in a hospital is just begging for evil!Dumbledore and Ministry to call him Insane & Dangerous before locking him up forever.
NATWEST chapter 3 . 2/13/2018
I say evil Harry. already fitting in his plans. Puffs and Snake house
lifeneedstofuckoff chapter 1 . 1/10/2018
Great read! Good Dumbledore because Snape doesn't seem to like Harry (as usual) so Dumbledore should be the one to guide him, I reckon. Harry I think should be in Hufflepuff, he seems to fit that house in this storyAngelica should be a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff as well, I can't decide about her. And he should definitely meet Luna, maybe on the train there. Can't wait for the next chapter
JoyfulSky67 chapter 3 . 11/23/2017
I forgot the 'why' for each question. For Dumbledore, that's just me being hopeful for a non-binding story haha. for houses, Harry doesn't seem to fit the typical Ravenclaw, he's smart but doesn't seem fixated on knowledge, Angelica seems more studious. he is straightforward, and doesn't seem to fear much, typical Gryffindor traits. as for meeting Luna, I really think it'll be through Angelica because of the Lovegoods' history of seeing things other witches and wizards seem to overlook. I'd say Angelica ends up observing that she's strange but likes her.
JoyfulSky67 chapter 3 . 11/23/2017
1. good dumbledore, granted I've read a lot of stories bashing him lately so that's my fault, haha.
2. I see this Harry in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Angelica would be Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, I think.
3. I think Harry will meet luna at a time when he and Angelica are separated for some reason, and when he finds Angelica, he will see her and Luna chatting.
good story so far, I'm intrigued
Roostertheking chapter 3 . 11/4/2017
Why harry didn't question olli that how he alone able to see his friend? Did the wand disappear after Angelica lifted it or is it floating around... How minivera missed it?..first cat and then wand maker...if she was not there then how can she leave a mentally challenged person alone?
It is very different fic and I hope u update soon...I am eagerly waiting to know more about Harry's supposed imagineer friend...
Mr. Meowington chapter 3 . 10/27/2017
and no, he meets her in his second year, the only he may meet her is faintly like if her father is talking to harry
Mr. Meowington chapter 3 . 10/27/2017
you decide, slytherin or ravenclaw for harry and ANGELICA is anything but slytherin and has more ravenclaw traits in my opinion
A fan of hp chapter 1 . 10/27/2017
This is a really good story, I’m starting to think that Angelica is a ghost. Great job writing!
becgate chapter 3 . 10/24/2017
Awesome story! ! Can't wait to read how everything plays out! Keep up the great writing!
RebeccaRoy chapter 3 . 10/13/2017
Good Dumbledore, a very puzzled good at that. In fact he becomes a stern but caring grandfather to Harry and does not see his "insanity" as a problem at all. Severus should like Harry but absolutely deny he does, while caring for him. Slytherin is out, no way would Harry survive there at all. I say Hufflepuff, and he ends up under Tonk's mentorship and care. He befriends Ron on the train, who wants to protect Harry, ends up in Hufflepuff and at Christmas Harry meets Luna along with Ginny and Luna should be able to see Angelica as well.
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