Reviews for Fear Not The Bugle
CafeBean chapter 5 . 4/17
Thank you. Had a nice giggle at the name of Anthony’s dog.
Charmingfreightt chapter 23 . 12/16/2017
Second time I've read and thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks for posting!
Tiara Ankh chapter 11 . 10/18/2017
this fight was looong overdue and i loved it! the best fight i've ever read. And it was another feather in the cap of this wonderful, canon-compliant, can't-get-enough-of fanfic!
whopooh chapter 23 . 10/1/2017
Oh I adore this epilogue. The sentiments, the exquisite banter and the way this older version of Phryne and Jack are completely wonderful together. Also that ending of going forward, not staying and dwelling. So promising, and Ant is lovely!
Ritzy Mermaid chapter 23 . 9/28/2017
You made me one happy fan. So eloquently written. When Anthony said "Oh hush thee, my babie..." Oh the feels! Tears and computer are not good combination. Utterly beautiful!
What an amazing story and I thank you for everything. It was such a joy to read it.
Samurai Annie chapter 23 . 9/28/2017
Wow. That was powerful and intense. I have never been so close to crying at a fanfic piece before. "I wouldn't be here if not for your temporary loss of reason.." I love the whole piece. It is a brilliant story! Thank you.
SJM chapter 23 . 9/27/2017
Words draw tears only when they are so finely woven...
SJM chapter 22 . 9/27/2017
Thanks for continuing your story so we could enjoy the 'Afterglow'. The sweetness of Phryne caring for Squirrel, and feeling the love. The joy of Jack taking 'his boy' to Luna Park,and returning with arms wrapped around his neck. Mac's understanding the balance of equals. Jack and Phryne relishing each other, and this new phase of their relationship. Memorable, amazing, and thoughtful - story and writing.
NancyMay chapter 23 . 9/27/2017
Such a lovely epilogue, I love it that Mims shed a little tear and the bit about an entire conversation nobody else was privy to - so them. I loved every bit of this story. Thank you for writing it.
Sarah Axl chapter 23 . 9/27/2017
HOLY WOW! This is one of the most powerful story and one of the most raw, honest, inspiring, and profoundly beautiful stories I've ever read. It wasn’t anything like what I expected, but it delivered so much more than I ever hoped for. Thank you very much. I thoroughly enjoyed every word. I hope you'll share your work with us in the future!
Lola chapter 23 . 9/27/2017
Oh this was was perfect, your respect and knowledge of the characters really shone through, you wrote Anthony with love. Brava! Thank you!
PiousSavant chapter 23 . 9/27/2017
My Ratings:

Characters- Lovable
Writing Style- Excellent
Plot/Storyline- Creative, solid, dramatic, emotional
Overall- I absolutely loved it

Thank you very much for sharing your talent and beautiful imagination!;-)
kb chapter 23 . 9/27/2017
Just finished the story again...just as delightful the second or is it third time.
MartiniMelba75 chapter 22 . 9/27/2017
Phenomenal! One of the many things that I love about this is that you let us take the whole journey with our favorite characters. We got to experience Phryne and Jack's most frightening events in with them as they struggled through their fears, confusion, their past, regret, sadness as well as their determination, discipline and love. Then we got to follow them through fostering and most wonderfully the adoption process of this adorable orphan boy Anthony. This ending was so satisfying! I absolutely LOVE the whole story. You so perfectly captured their characters exceptionally well. I feel so grateful for reading this story, and all the images that continue to play in my imagination from it. And I’m so sad it’s over! I hope to read more of your stories.
Thank you!
Ritzy mermaid chapter 22 . 9/26/2017
Absolutely awesome. I'm sort of struck dumb here by the sheer quality of your writing. " Jack when mummy and daddy loves each other very much, sometimes they go to crime scenes..," Brilliant! Simply gorgeous! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing your talent and beautiful imagination!
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