Reviews for Of Silk and Stardust and Stuff
The Phantom Dragon chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
Oh please! PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEEEEE! MAKE A SEQUEL! In which Lance uses the products and Lotor comes across him afterwards, and Allura has mild jealousy conniptions.
NeversideFaerie chapter 1 . 12/27/2017
YES, YES, YES! Round of applause! I always knew Lance would be jealous of Lotor's luscious lucks. XD
Darke13 chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
Lance would do that. But honestly I don't think Lotor would have that impressive an array of hair care products. He is just naturally fabulous.
JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 9/21/2017
This is actually pretty realistic! I find it plausible and in-character. The last scene could specify that Lotor is angry about the loss of his hair products in particular; it does not really say anything about his reaction to that, and sounds as though other things were taken or rearranged as well, so it's not clear that he noticed.