Reviews for For Life
Book girl fan chapter 1 . 3/17/2018
Not long enough.

(I just realised this could be misinterpreted, so to clarify: I mean lives of werewolves, not your story.)
ChristineBH chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
Shit! You would think I was ready for some heavy shit when I know it's labeled Drama/Angst, but, nope, I was not.
It was really wellwritten, and the last sentence was the killing blow. I feel like the 'exploding head' gif right now, but in a good way. Kinda at least. I mean I want to hug them both and create a world where no one dies and everyone is happy even though it would be unwritable because it would be so boring, but I also don't feel completely shitty because it was such a good work with such a small amount of words.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
Dude. My brain just exploded. Like mind blown! I've never thought of it that way! Great job!
DecepticonDefenestrater chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Good story :)
wild wolf free17 chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
Mih Black chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
oh, so beautiful!
SuddenMaelstrom chapter 1 . 4/11/2009
I loved the ending. It just strikes to the quick
ttfn.tahtahfornow chapter 1 . 8/26/2007

So sad!

Beautifully written.

Awesome job, I loved it!

Ame Mika'zuki chapter 1 . 8/25/2007
Oh, wow. That ending was quite shocking. ;_; Beautiful though, how Sirius described Rem. :3
Marauder's Mad chapter 1 . 8/22/2007
This was so sad and so beautifully written...I loved it !
The Miss Marauders chapter 1 . 7/10/2006
Aww! That's too sad! *sob*

x Cazzy x
Triola chapter 1 . 1/21/2006
I am officially in a hate-love relationship with this story. I don't like it, really I don't, it brings tears to my eyes every single time I read it, and I hate that. I hate the thought of Remus dying, I hate him and Sirius having lost so much time because of Azkaban, and I hate that the time they have left will never be enough. Yet, no matter how much I hate it, I always come back to read this story once again. Just once more, I tell myself, but it's never just once, is it? I think I'll go on reading this story every now and then for as long as I can. There's just something about it, I don't know, but it entrances me. The way you write it, and that very last line. That last line kills me every time, it is so bittersweet, yet I can't help loving it. I know it's silly of me, it makes me feel horrible, yet I love it. I'll probably grow up to be one of those girls with a violent husband or something, always making excuses for him and loving him, no matter how much he hits. But anyway, this story has been on my favourites for a long time now, and since I always come back to read it once more, I felt it was about time I left a review. You certainly do deserve it, since you've managed to captivate me so. Thank you for this story, it is sad and it makes me cry, but it will always be one of the few closest to my heart. Maybe just because it is as heartbreaking as it is. I don't know, but you have my gratitude anyway. Continue shining, always.
Morbid chapter 1 . 4/30/2004
"They say that werewolves mate for life.
But how long do werewolves live for?"
That just made my heart hurt. Fantastic.
Lost Book chapter 1 . 4/10/2004
That was so sad. The last line really brought it all together, but it was very sad.
Polkat chapter 1 . 2/11/2004
last line is fabulous but then i guess that's what inspired the story in the first place so you didn't need to be told that. however, that's not my favourite line
this is: "His hair seems silvered by moonlight, but you know it's only illusion. Because you saw the silver, before, and there was no moonlight then."
v sad and poignent... if overly short *grins*
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