Reviews for Firecracker
Mickeys Swaggmuffins chapter 6 . 1/7/2018
Aww man I really hope you decide to pick this up again. This story is so fantastic. I love how your character is going through things of her own with her brother and learning to fight. It just makes her seem so much more real. I also love how your adding in all of these different scenes that aren't in the story cause it makes me more compelled to read and not compelled to skim over because I feel like I'm rereading the manga again. This is fantastic. I also love Jeans character in this. Wow, I really love this story! Keep it up!
Guest chapter 6 . 12/4/2017
Update please!
Guest1995 chapter 6 . 8/23/2017
This is such a great story, I love it!But, man, Lance has become a real tyrannical beast (a bit strong I know, but it was the closest description I could come up with); even worse than Eren! I just hope that Elena and Lance's relationship will improve soon! Lance is going to join the Scout Regiment, right? Then, it seems obvious that Elena will join to keep an eye on him, among other things.
Please, oh please, oh please, oh PLEASE update again soon!
DeLacus chapter 6 . 7/23/2017
Your story has been quite the enjoyable read so far! \(*0*)/ I do like how you've incorporated Elena into the SnK universe and with how you've been writing her developing relationships with the canon characters - especially her closer friendships with Mina and Armin. And Reiner. I'm loving how you're taking your time to develop their relationship together~ *,*

And speaking of Reiner . . . I may have done a little fangirl dance when catching the 'Reiner/OC' in your summary. xD I couldn't help it - he's one of my favourite teen characters and there's so few OCXReiner romances! x)

I'm also liking how you've incorporated you other OC Lance into the fanfic. Like holy rage monster, his personality just flipped . . . Makes me wonder if the events at Shiganshina had really hit him that uncontrollably hard; or if he was already secretly like that, and no one knew 'cause he had hid it so well behind a shy and quite persona, and the tragic events just amplified it. Regardless, I do hope that he could find it somewhere within himself to rekindle the sibling bond (or some form of it) with Elena.

Looking forward to more~! :D
Rainwalker12 chapter 6 . 7/8/2017
YAAAY a new chapter! It's good to see the relationship between Elena and Reiner progress. Good write!
RockyChar420 chapter 6 . 7/8/2017
Ooooooooooo this chapter was amazing! Reiners eyes... *swoon*
Crowdust chapter 5 . 7/1/2017
A really great chapter. I hope sometime, Lance and Elena can find some sort of sibling bond again. I doubt it will be the same, but I hope it'll happen. Oh, and I loved the ending. It was SOOO FUNNY! XD
Rainwalker12 chapter 5 . 6/30/2017
YAY Chapter 5... this is really good! Please keep writing this! I'm running out of good fanfictions... good write!
HeroSeekerFrost chapter 5 . 6/30/2017
Yay! Also, am I the only one that finds the Colossal Titan a lot less frightening after you realize It's just a little kid, probably sweating bullets? Maybe I justthink about it too much... idk. Loved the chapter anyways, and I cant wait for more!
RockyChar420 chapter 5 . 6/30/2017
Loved the update! I went total fangirl when I saw you updated! Have a good night!
RockyChar420 chapter 4 . 6/29/2017
I love this story! Please update soon!
dla81 chapter 4 . 6/22/2017
Another great chapter! Looking forward to reading more, and am oddly now craving potatoes.
QueenofBreeze chapter 4 . 6/22/2017
Great story so far, I am excited to see their development throughout the story. Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the excellent work.
mercyandmagic chapter 4 . 6/21/2017
I like Elena and especially Lance - his character development is starting off really deep. Their dynamic is rather heartbreaking.
I'm curious to see how this plays out!
Mr. DonkeyJuice chapter 4 . 6/21/2017
I love this stories keep up the great work. Well there be a naughty scene? Elena is my wcw... No lesbo ()
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