Reviews for Unknown Variables
Sarai chapter 1 . 12/2/2017
I like it.
SheWhoRunsMazes chapter 1 . 2/26/2017
Oh god bless you. This certainly helped quell some of the seething rage in my heart from the return of the Chrysalis storyline. I'm still holding out for this scenario to be what's really going on, with Nikki playing them all and having set Thornton up. If not, well, they really should have hired you on (and the other wonderful fanfic writers still on team!Thornton) to write for the show. You all have certainly come up with better theories than the bs they appear to be sticking with... ugh... anyway, sorry, I just get really worked up about this topic. Thanks again for helping me stay sane. Xoxo
Pastthestars5728 chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
I love your theory! It makes complete sense! And I really hate the idea of Thornton being bad (though maddy is growing on me). I also don't buy the idea of Nikki being good. It doesn't make sense that she would let Mac get shot for a 'mission' no one has heard of and then come back saying she loves Mac. Over all, this is one of my favorite ideas. Your story was well written as well, I would love to read more! Good Job!
302pilot chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
YES! That's exactly what I was thinking as I watched Ruler last night! Thank you! I am soooo hoping that Mac knows not to trust her and that deep down he knows that Thornton isn't behind what happened and that she was set up. You are spot on (at least in my head!). Thank you for that! (And if anyone out there wants to make a yahoo groups page or something similar where we could toss this stuff around a bit, or if there's one out there already, please let us know!). Thanks for sharing!
Lhaven chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
I agree - it still feels like the Thornton story could take another turn. This is certainly one way. Thanks for writing!
Gib chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
Love this. I'm definitely in your theory #2 club. I never have liked Nikki from the start. I don't know why. Then she was a traitor and I was like "yes! I knew it!" Then they made her a 'good guy' again... I don't buy it. Of course there's no telling what the show will do so for now, I take what you've got here as truth. I'd love to read your cases for both theories. Just PM me. Thanks a bunch for putting to 'paper' what I wanted to happen.
only-some-loser chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
I love this! I don't buy that Thornton is a traitor. I really don't. Even if she were, there's no way that she would be able to kill Mac, Jack, Riley, and even Bozer. She may be a cold woman, but, traitor or not, she cared very deeply for that team. Perhaps more than she should.
Deliwiel chapter 1 . 2/25/2017
I wondered if the "best work at night" meant something else ;P
Ugh. I was screaming last night, I just kept screaming that it wasn't Thornton. Im very much against the idea that Thornton could turn on them like that. I have a whole rant about this XD
But seriously loved this! I love that you still have Nikki as the bad guy, because she totally is. I also love how she realizes they underestimated bozer! :D very nicely done :)