Reviews for Ghosts of the Past
Untraveled chapter 4 . 12/16/2019
I really like the premise of the story. my only complaint is hiccup's chronic inability to get over himself. its unnecessary and constantly hiding bits and pieces of his life (read Eira) and dropping hint after hint without actually adding anything to the story just draws it out unnecessarily.

this coming from a fellow writer, just reveal what Hiccup's hiding. the constantly aloof tragic hero is a painful stereotype and cliche to read when drawn out over several chapters like this. get the story going, let the tragic hero (and heroine) grow.

It feels a little intimidating just getting to the point when writing a story like this at first but its like a band-aid, you just gotta do it and rip it off. you won't regret it.
DropTheBasil chapter 4 . 11/3/2019
Wow! This was amazing and I was hooked the whole time! I can’t wait to read more and I’m looking forward to more hiccstrid interactions!
Princesakarlita411 chapter 3 . 3/13/2019
So will Hiccup tell her the truth? Please continue
Guest chapter 3 . 10/7/2018
So yea. Now you go from 6 months to near a year! Will you ever finish the story?
Guest chapter 3 . 8/24/2018
Almost a year and no update. You doing okay?
flamingoflannel chapter 3 . 5/14/2018
I bet it’s his kid!

Any who, excellent beginning to what is going to be an epic tale, I can tell. Can’t wait to read more!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/29/2017
I honestly have no clue how far Hiccup and Eira are into their relationship, but there certainly seems to be one there. My theory is that Hiccup was captured by pirates and imprisoned with Eira. Possibly he was separated from Toothless and they tortured him to try to get him to tell them his location. It would be interesting if the pirates were actually the dragon hunters, Viggo and Ryker Grimborn from the TV show. It would make sense that if Hiccup was imprisoned with Eira, he took her with him when he escaped, and she told him where her village was.
But the more interesting question to me is why did Hiccup attack Outcast Island? Did the Outcasts attack Dale at some point? He destroyed their ships, so that would prevent them from striking out again, at least until they rebuild their fleet. Hiccup said he wasn't expecting to retaliate against Outcast Island so soon. So perhaps he was on a scouting mission and heard about the raid on Berk? So did he know the Outcasts had taken prisoners and was trying to free them?
I wonder if he is any good at combat? He seemed to develop some skills in the TV series, and he made a sword and shield for himself, so I wonder if he has those things in this story? Personally, I always thought he should be using a bow, but they only ever use those for funerals. I also wonder if he has discovered gronkle iron yet? In the TV show, they stole the information from the dragon hunters, but Hiccup has had 6 years to experiment in this story.
I'd also like to know if any of his inventions are in use in the village? I can totally imagine Hiccup inventing the first toilet!
I hope you continue writing this story! It's a good one!
Insanity Studios Ink chapter 1 . 11/10/2017
I was thinking Eria was a young child Hiccup had psuedo-adopted, but then he and Bard had a chat and ruined everything, though I suppose you could still make it work... *wink wink*
Ulcaasi chapter 3 . 10/30/2017
YEEEEESSSS. UPDATES. WHOO! And my my... Things are getting exciting. Kind of. I mean we're getting a clearer picture of who thr mysterious person is.

Sorry I wasn't really looking out for any typos( I normally would but I've been pretty tired these days). I'll be sure to let you know if I find any in the future.
Gold Testament chapter 3 . 10/26/2017
She's either his girlfriend, fiancé, wife, or daughter whose mother was killed in a raid by possibly Outcasts.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/25/2017
What about pairing Bard and Astrid?
Maerk Andrew chapter 3 . 10/25/2017
Can this be Hiccup OC relationship please? I want to see the dynamics between him and another person!
I do like Hiccup Astrid fanfics don't get me wrong.
BUT pairing him with an OC is very rare.
Please let the pair ge Eira!

Hmmm, I think he destroyed Biserk tribe.
Dagur was a 'little' crazy. Only a little. And Hiccup saved Eria from the island
Tak chapter 3 . 10/24/2017
Great update. My theory is that Eira is his daughter, and her mother is sister of this Bard. I think that Eira's mother died, and Hiccup thinks it's because of him.
This story is amazing, and update again soon, please :)
Guest chapter 3 . 10/24/2017
I am so happy to see this update! I really like this story and am glad it is still going. Thank you!
CajunBear73 chapter 3 . 10/23/2017
A few mysteries still lingering around the edges of these two...Astrid's behavior on Berk, towards Hiccup, seemed to have caused two things...Hiccup affecting his 'death' at Berk (and using it to cover his leaving), and Astrid realizing she was not the person she wanted to be, after punching Hiccup (that Nadder incident, maybe?). She seems to have been living her life in a way to see beyond throwing an axe at something and then talking about why she had to throw the axe...And that doesn't seem to have enamored herself to the 'True Vikings of Berk'...either.

And then, the mystery regarding Eira starts to slowly unfold as behavior shows a troubled Hiccup, and his insufferable tendency to fall on his sword when he thinks he's responsible for results of actions that happen within a hundred miles of him...Get the feeling that Bard's 'limp' is only scratching the surface about something that happened, Hiccup feels responsible for, and has to pledge himself to her...She may feel something for Hiccup, but I wonder if it's enough for her to marry him...Eira may care for Hiccup, but that love he wants to bring to her is heavily tainted by obligation over whatever happened than anything else...

Astrid has a bit of baggage herself, and then there was the assault by the Outcasts that have really done a serious number on her trusting others, especially men. Hiccup, notwithstanding...

Both need to have their 'shells' cracked so each can resume living the lives they set out to do, when all this started.

Ghosts, eh? Bet there's more.

And there'll be more interruptions that get in the way of them really talking about their own issues...Darn you!

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