Reviews for Phoenix Chronicles: All My Dreams, Torn Asunder
Fayari chapter 8 . 8/9/2011
I now have something to read if I ever get suicidal. I'll go from spill-my-own-blood-gloom to shit-my-own-rainbow-bloom in ten seconds. Nice chapter.
blue talith chapter 8 . 8/26/2010
Well, I'm mighty glad that Xander and Cordy ended up getting married to each other!
blue talith chapter 6 . 8/26/2010
Too many groups of characters! Getting them mixed up. Having trouble remembering the main story line!
blue talith chapter 5 . 8/26/2010
Again-wow! I do not think I have rarely read a Buffy story with so much military warfare.
blue talith chapter 4 . 8/26/2010
Some action, indeed! Wow.
blue talith chapter 3 . 8/25/2010
Ah, so many timelines! My brain hurts.
blue talith chapter 2 . 8/25/2010
Wha't up with Xander refusing to see Cordy?
blue talith chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
A good beginning to this story. The only thing against the story line may be the huge number of different sets of characters thrown together.
ironic-hat chapter 8 . 10/25/2009
the jay and silent bob crossover just made the story. Battle was completly epic, God was great, but JAY AND SILENT BOB!
RTds9 chapter 8 . 7/19/2004
Loved it loved it
Draconious chapter 8 . 2/7/2004
First of all let me say that 31 reviews for a story this great just isn't enough, so I had to make it 32. The way you combine the different elements so smoothly is just masterful. I can't imagine attempting to blend such diverse elements as you have, and doing it so successfully too. I am going ahead to read more, but wanted to let you know how much I've been enjoying it so far!
Big-G chapter 8 . 6/6/2003
fantastic . . .

this has got to be one of the best stories i have ever read. very well done
OrionTheHunter chapter 8 . 3/8/2003
I just spent, oh, about 6 hours, reading the entire series. Very nice. Actually, I read it because you brought it up in the J-Verse Yahoo Group. Or rather started because of it. Kept reading because it is very very good. I added you to my favorite author list.

I like the change in format, to normal writing. However, the early ones were kinda interesting with the, um . . . I'll call them stage directions.
Aenarion28 chapter 8 . 2/28/2003
Sounds like the princess is getting an obsession. Cordy proposing? My the times HAVE changed.
Harry2 chapter 8 . 2/28/2003
NOW THIS, this is a GREAT ending! Lets see more of this tale! Perhaps it would make a great misc. story!
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