Reviews for Let the Fantasy Begin
JolidayB chapter 10 . 8/7
I really like how conflicted Erik is in this and how sweet he is trying to be. I usually don't like forced marriage style works but this one is so intriguing. I think you really have a talent with descriptors as I can really visualise the house and the wardrobe and the library etc... Please keep writing this.
YoursAnonymous chapter 10 . 4/20/2018
Awesome so far! I can't wait to read more!
Child of Dreams chapter 10 . 11/1/2017
It's Monsieur, not Mousier.
Child of Dreams chapter 4 . 11/1/2017
To serve him?
Child of Dreams chapter 3 . 11/1/2017
Child of Dreams chapter 2 . 11/1/2017
(breathes deeply)
Past the point of no return..
Ann Faith chapter 10 . 7/26/2017
Please continue! This story is so good I cannot put it down!
Jane chapter 10 . 7/23/2017
Can't wait for the next chapter!
PirateGreenPhantom chapter 10 . 6/26/2017
I truly hope you will be continuing this story! It has been good so far.
Em chapter 10 . 6/10/2017
Please continue!
Em chapter 10 . 6/10/2017
Please continue!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/25/2017
I loved the story, please continue it
ArtemisBare chapter 10 . 5/25/2017
I am VERY interested in Erik's past and definitely like the pushy yet sympathetic Opera Singer.

Also I felt like you really encapsulated the feeling of a young woman being turned on for the first time. It can be pretty confusing. Good luck on the upcoming sex scene. Following!
BadassSyd chapter 10 . 4/27/2017
I love this story and I really am enjoying the idea. I can't wait to read more.
Ashley chapter 10 . 4/20/2017
great story so far! Can't wait to see what's going to happen! update soon please!
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