Reviews for Compass Points
acetwolf94 chapter 2 . 4/17/2018
jaimi-or-jaemi chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
You would think a telepath and his best friend would be able to communicate better but nah, that'd be too easy. I love the fact Raven gives them Kurt to raise, I think that'd be great and they'd have a lovely family working together rather than against each other.
JMK758 chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
I enjoyed it as an insightful story of a man suffering in his pain and guilt and attempting to come to terms with a tragic accident and the consequences of it. It had good potential for developing into a story where two good friends overcome the hurt and anger, see past their difficulties that, for the rest of their lives, will have them opposing one another. It was going to be a good story.
Then you made them gay.
While I have nothing against LGBTQ, I do care about Characters and Canon and until now neither man was gay in any comic or film version.
Frankly, you could have left all that out and had a great story. Now...
rebecca-in-blue chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Oh, I loved this. I love the way you write their interaction - Charles's anger, Erik's shock - and how the two of them find their way back to each other. The movies really glossed over how/when Erik learned the extent of Charles's injury, and especially the effects of paralysis like his, so I like here, you confront all the ugly, unpleasant details, like the catheter, colostomy bag, and Charles's embarrassment, and how, in the face of it, Erik doesn't walk away again but commits to him anew.
Zephyrfox chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
This is a response to Exoengel, since I can't respond to them directly. Thank you for your review and encouragement, it was lovely! And yes, it is canon that Azazel is Kurt's father. :D
Exoengel chapter 2 . 1/17/2017
Is the Azazel-Mistique baby canon? I know Nightcrawler was Mistique's son, but was Azazel seriously the father?
Exoengel chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
A-FREAKING-DORABLE! I haven't been this excited for a continuation since I stopped reading Beowulf halfway through! Beautifully written and well composed. I love how you captured each of their personalities perfectly while also bringing in what all the fans want to bring in in a way that is realistic and logical. Definite props to you and keep it up.