Reviews for Harry Potter-Dracula and the Prisoner of Azkaban
ScarletRainbow1 chapter 9 . 5/6
I love your writings, but...

Sorry, but, I do not like the addition of the 'multi-verse' and 'phantom consortium'. I just want to read about Harry Dracula in the 'normal' universe. It sounds like someone has a split personally, and two of them are writing separate stories that have merged into one, and it's very confusing.
Determination4296 chapter 15 . 1/31
cool can't wait to read this remake whenever it comes out.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/29/2019
My vote for death eater
Guest chapter 15 . 6/7/2019
... You ruined this with the harems, multiple character and crossovers. I had loved the first book, tge second one was OK, but this? This has gone up in rainbow flames of sparkling zombie unicorns
Guest chapter 15 . 6/7/2019
Please! Do NOT make the next series a harem! That only works in anime, even then it's pushing it
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
NOOOOOOOOOO! PLEAE DON'T MAKE THIS A HAREM! Has anyone ever thought of how that makes look like needy, jealous sluts and the boy a untrustworthy player?
StoryTeller2087 chapter 15 . 3/19/2019
as the old saying goes try try again.
BigD2k chapter 15 . 2/22/2019
I’m always curious when someone rewrites something will you keep up the original?
Bigrob1945 chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
hope you update this in the near future
lou2003us chapter 13 . 11/6/2018
You might want to go back and change Rayna Krum zinging with Harry if that is the new list. Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the good work.
Pushi19 chapter 14 . 10/30/2018
Update please
MidnightStorm022 chapter 13 . 10/11/2018
Please continue this story, It's great! Ignore the dislikes, they're just a bunch of haters.
Noctus Of The Thousand Blades chapter 5 . 7/26/2018
aaaand, this fic just took a colossal nosedive. you were doing great, until you added yourself and the multiverse to the fic. that just killed a LOT of this fics potential. moves like that KILL fanfics. its why many fics that go that route wind up abandoned. by either the authors, or the readers. but they ALWAYS end up abandoned.

adding all those characters and the multiverse from the christmas special to the actual plot? and keeping it all confined to an OMAKE? rookie mistake. i can tell from the update schedule that you haven't even TOUCHED this fic in over 6 months. which seems to indicate that maybe my predictiction has already come true. which is honestly a shame.

you started out with such PROMISE, the first two fics were solid, if a tad short and fraught with spelling and grammar errors plus poor sentence structure. those i could everlook if the STORY was interesting. but all those OC's and adding the multiverse, as an actual plot point and not an amusing Omake that was not an actual part of the plot? that was a mistake. and a costly one.

to be honest, outside of a complete rewrite REMOVING those elements? i do not see this fic series going too far. the six month hiatus on this fic is already indicating it's dying breaths.

now before you go on a rant about how i am a troll or a flamer? i am neither. THIS is neither a flame, nor a troll post. this is a review, by a concerned reader, who sees a fic going down in flames, because of a rookie mistake.

there is a great deal of potential in this fic. USE IT! you don't need masses of OC's, you don't need a multiverse or a legion of characters from other fics. you just need a plot, and the will to write it.

lose the OC's, lose the extra crossovers. and DEFINITELY lose the multiverse and self inserts. they are not needed, and are in fact the main thing sucking the life from this story.

do all that? and i predict this fic will do a LOT better from now on.

however, leave it as is? and i foresee this fic being abandoned. by both you and the readers. and that would be a shame.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/17/2018
States are suppose to be suing the fcc
ZabuzasGirl chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
Wonderful! :)
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