Reviews for Starting out on London Time
Oldreruns chapter 23 . 9/2/2019
I cant believe over! I'll have to reread the next story again just to catch back up and be up to date with everyone else. Loved that we got Chandler's POV, Treeger fixing the door, the sheer joy you help bring to life when they decide to live together, the way Chandler breaks down her defenses and gets her to go to bed. All so wonderful and a really fun way to experience those episodes all over again.
Oldreruns chapter 22 . 9/2/2019
I love all the signs you come up with to add on to canon. How you show a distinction between the three days. Monica's exasperation with Rachel and ross, and finally her POV when he asks to live together. Just a wonderfully entertaining chapter.
Oldreruns chapter 21 . 9/2/2019
I love the Fools Rush In joke, the personification of Vegas, the extra signs you added, the way you describe both of them in this episode. So on point. Love that he finds the present and that they take ross's newlywed special!
Oldreruns chapter 20 . 9/2/2019
I love the beginning of this and the details of Monica jumping up to clean the bathroom and chandler having already done it, even if not to her standards. It just seems so telling of their relationship and adds another layer to why he us so different than all her other boyfriends.

The breakfast scenes are so well done to and so much context and texture is added, like how Phoebe remembers she never got a marriage license when she was in Vegas.
Oldreruns chapter 19 . 9/1/2019
This was a great finish to the season and how you really get into Chandler's mind at this point is wonderful. All those emotions he's feeling, the way he goes from being so sure to now worried about the timing.

And the distraction they provide each other with afterwards makes so much sense. No talk about it, no worry and self reflection. A bath, sex and sleep! Pure mondler.
Oldreruns chapter 18 . 8/31/2019
Vegas. Love how frenetic the pace of this chapter is matching what is happening in it. And the idea of a secret marriage being enticing to the two of them is so smart. Also love how maybe they are both doing this to prove something. Her finally showing him Richard is a thing of the past, him showing her she has a future with him. Really well done.
Oldreruns chapter 17 . 8/30/2019
Another really great chapter and perfect POV. You really get Chandler's mood across so well, from angry ,despondent, cranky, impatient. Even his reasoning for having an empty bag made sense in this. And of course how you really clean up the timeline is great.
Oldreruns chapter 16 . 8/30/2019
This is a great chapter and covers so much ground. I love her back-and-forth about Richard and if she should tell him and when. Her seething anger at Phoebe only for her to finally redeem herself with her good advice, how she perceives Chandler's reaction, and finally the foreshadowing of all the signs.
Oldreruns chapter 15 . 8/30/2019
I love tired cranky Chandler in this and how you give us a slightly edgy Monica because of her run with you know who and I loved the Magnun PI gag. I was going to do a similar thing with Paul and Die Hard but now that's going in the trash! Ha, ha! Loved it
Oldreruns chapter 14 . 8/30/2019
I love this idea that Monica is obsessing over the anniversary gift, and how until he leaves she realizes it will be their first extended time apart. How you describe her feelings about her relationship ring so true as well, noting things like him cleaning up, the sweet "I love you" when he pulls out the sweater vests. Just a great way to make this episode that much more rewarding.
Oldreruns chapter 13 . 8/30/2019
I love the metaphor of the ball throwing matching his back-and-forth about the idea of moving in with Monica. What a smart and creative way to use TOW The Ball. How Monica wakes him up is priceless and his thought process at the end is really great. This is such a good chapter revealing so much from what is essentially a fun but filler type of episode.
Oldreruns chapter 12 . 8/29/2019
This is a fun way to spin into the end of TOW The Ride Along, and showcasing Monica's work out and her thoughts on Rachel and Chandler joining her seem so in character for them. I love that she is focused on getting to one year - putting other thoughts out of her head and just working towards that milestone.
Oldreruns chapter 11 . 8/29/2019
This chapter was really sizzling, and I like that we both had this idea that Chandler had been thinking about the move in earlier than the one after vegas. I also like how you had them discus the lost earrings which became the ross earrings which made her think of the pete earrings. Who knew how important you could make that B plot seem to be in the grand scheme of their relationship.
Oldreruns chapter 10 . 8/29/2019
I'm so glad you focused on this scene. It was something I hadn't seen until maybe a month ago and when you watch the show without it and notice Chandler rummaging through her purse, it never has a payoff.

Monica restraining herself here and her almost reluctant acceptance that she will have to deal with him "stealing a drag" once in a while if a really astute observation, because that is kind of how his smoking for the show goes.

And the callback to those cookies was such a genius way to illustrate it. My dad had smoked for a long time, but quit and is probably going on 25 years without a cigarette and told me he still wakes up every morning wanting one.
Oldreruns chapter 9 . 8/29/2019
I really like how well you balance this sort of adolescent Chandler, his glee with the badge, and the more mature man comfortable in his stable relationship. Enough that the speech in the bathroom feels really organic here. Also, I am glad someone else noticed that guy never washed his hands!

I also enjoy how Monica kind of lets her guard down in these chapters and let's her "freak flag" fly. Springing into action in the previous chapter and needing reassurance in this one.

Finally the roleplay stuff fits so well with them and makes you think about that line from the episode when Phoebe and Rachel have a fire at their place. Monica noting how Chandler would look good in the firefighter uniform now doesn't seem out of place, but a continuation of the end of this chapter.
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