Reviews for Not Easily Broken
erinsgirl chapter 21 . 7/26/2019
Loved the respective descriptions of the red guards. And the not-quite-friendship of the 3 is perfect. Athos refusing friends but secretly wanting some, Porthos willing to be friends but unwilling to force it on anyone and Aramis paying no heed and deciding to add Athos to his besties. And clearly enjoying it too. I keep laughing at Aramis ignoring Athos' death glare (probably the only person who would) and seeing it as a challenge. That is completely Aramis. If glaring at him actually worked Treville and Athos wouldn't have to keep yelling/ threatening to shoot him.
wotumba1 chapter 86 . 4/15/2019
been rereading this story again. and i still love it like the first time! thanks again for sharing
Anny B chapter 1 . 4/24/2018
Intriguing first chapter! I like premise, the beginning of Athos', Aramis', and Porthos' friendship. Looking forward to discovering the unfolding story.
JustAReaderReviewing chapter 86 . 3/21/2018
This is exactly how it happened, nothing less, nothing more. I have read other stories about how they became the lnseparables but not even the best ones (and there are really good ones) come close to this one. Perfect, every single chapter is simply perfect and from now on I will see this as part of the past of our heroes. Thank you!
Nina Alexandra chapter 86 . 2/1/2018
Dear Keesha,

I found this place and your story haphazardly only a few days ago. Until now I had no idea what fan fiction might be and that there are extremely gifted writers amongst. It's such a pleasure to follow the stories about my favorite characters - all my unread books have to wait.

"Not Easily Broken": it took me four days and nights. Now I am ready (and my eyes are burning like hell) and I just want to tell you: I loved it. I laughed, cried an bit, read and re-read several chapters. You captured the heart and soul of every single character so well, their mannerisms, their speech. You are are a great story teller, thank you for your marvelous work.

All the best for you! Keep writing!
(please excuse my mistakes, English is not my first language, I am only good in reading it)
Trevlik65 chapter 86 . 1/27/2018
Thank you so much I absolutely loved that. Please do more. Can't get too much Athos..xx
RowanaSilverwind chapter 86 . 5/31/2017
This was such a joy to read! I loved the focus on Athos and how had it was for him to accept friendship and a second chance. I thought it fit very well with his character and what he just went through. I also loved how not everyone accepted him right away either! It was great to see the friendship build over time into the tight connection we see the three of them have on the show. I especially loved the escape from the ship. I was biting my nails the whole time! Wonderful story! I would love to read more stories in the future!
X4uth0r chapter 86 . 4/15/2017
Wow. I cannot put into words how much I enjoyed this story, only that the writing was exquisite, the characters were divine, and that you deserve every one of those thousand reviews and more. Thank you again for sharing this with us, it has been a pleasure.
untamed canine chapter 86 . 3/9/2017
This is a bit of a late review. However-

This would have to be one of the greatest, well devised, thought out, keenly written piece of fiction I have ever read. For over two months you kept us updated every day. The story line was so methodically thought out and the characters true to their form throughout their development. It ended with all loose ends tied up- while leaving me wanting more. You gave scenes the right amount of emphasis, or left them right where it needed to end. It tugged at my heart strings, left me in agony with empathy, or made me laugh! This story was something I looked forward to seeing every morning- knowing that you would update the next chapter overnight. At the same time you gave us 'True Love Quests', and I loved that too!
Thank you Keesha, for over two months of joy, and for giving us a story I will always enjoy as much as the first time I read it,

Guest chapter 86 . 3/5/2017
You have captured their story faultlessly with a deep understanding of their characters . Thank you for a wonderful compelling read... I will miss it now it has ended xx
MJVictoria chapter 86 . 2/22/2017
I loved this story, from beginning to end. Very well structured and paced - it shows you had it all written before posting. How much work must have gone into it! Every chapter left me craving the next one without there being any massive cliffhangers - I enjoyed that. The characterisations were spot on, and I enjoyed seeing the slow, and on Athos' part reluctant, bonding process between the trio. Sometimes I wished you hadn't skipped a few days ahead and gave us a bit more detail, e.g. everyone's reactions when Treville finally brought Athos back, but that was purely selfish on my part, and I understand these things are necessary to keep the story moving forward. Apologies for not having left any reviews earlier, I'm terrible with that... All in all, this story was a pleasure to read, so thank you for writing it! I hope there's a sequel, perhaps about events leading up to them acquiring the fourth member of their little brotherhood. :-)
starbuckintheverse chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
I loved this story! You captured a backstory wonderfully, was very sad to see it end.
Anonymous chapter 86 . 2/19/2017
Brilliant! Loved it! An epic take. :)
Scooterwoo chapter 86 . 2/19/2017
I found this story when you had just written chapter 76 so I had a great tale to read and then eagerly waited for the last episodes daily...I'm so glad I found it, your wonderful portrayal of Athos, Aramais, Porthos and Captain Treville kept me spell bound. I loved the depth which you gave to them all, the gradual emerging friendships and trust along with the detail of their exploits. I do hope you write more Musketeer stories and a huge thank you for your dedication to this one.
GoGirl212 chapter 86 . 2/18/2017
I have enjoyed this story from start to finish . . . it threads together so beautifully the early stages of friendship, of learning how to trust each other, to read each other, to accept care from each other. It's the epic beginning that this legendary group deserves. Your details made it come alive - particularly the vivid descriptions of the slave ship and of Dieppe - along with a compelling plot that moved me along in every chapter. Thank you for this terrific read. I will miss the daily dose of musketeers I've grown so used to. Well done on every front :)
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