Reviews for Engage The Enemy More Closely
Laurelight chapter 1 . 1/14
Oh, I
Is it just me, or does this have Persuasion vibes?

James, why are you so lovely?

Tbh I kinda see the PotC films as P&P with pirates, except Elizabeth doesn't choose Mr. Darcy.
(No doubt helped by the casting.)
Luna401 chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
I really like this. I kinda really like this pairing. ;)
Nubian Queen chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
I quite enjoyed this little romp. I always thought Elizabeth a bit silly and childish, especially to throw over a man like James for Will. It was obviously a first love crush but writers do tend to go with that scenario in movies. So much more exiting you know!
I love your Norribeth and am so glad she was able to see James fine qualities here. Thanks again!
Ditte3 chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
I love this so much! They could be happy together. 3 I love Jack and I have been a Sparrabeth shipper for years and still am, and jack is amazing,but not long ago I realized what an amazing charater James is and became a Nirribeth shepper to. Thank you very much for this lovely, and wonderfully written story. You made my day happy.
Sachita chapter 1 . 5/29/2017
Thank you for this gem of a story! It is truly a rare jewel.
A Reader chapter 1 . 10/23/2016
Awesome chapter! Great way to start the story.
Illusion of the Mirror chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
damn. i have so many feelings about this. and all of them involve TEARS.
Florencia7 chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
That was such an amazing fic! I loved it. So wonderfully written. I could HEAR the characters' voices and it was so delightful to imagine, to SEE everything that you were describing.

I love how you endow all actions and words with sincerity that makes them feel real and unique and SO in-character.

Brilliant work. You are a Great Writer.
TheLittlePrincesFox chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
This was awesome! I've always struggled with how the movies treated Norrington. I'm glad he got the girl.
JDLuvaSQEE chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
This was so lovely!
suns and stars chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
oh this was good really good was hoping for more like what happens after now they are togther
redstarsarc chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
Aww, this is such a sweet story. I love it. You are a very good writer. I will admit here that I am a Willabeth and don't believe Will would ever abandon her, but I have a soft spot for Norribeth and absolutely adore James. If Will didn't exist, he would be very good for her and they would be happy together. I love how accurate this piece feels, how everyone must act a certain way and say the right things and everything must be very proper. It gives it an added realism that's hard to come by in fanfic. Thank you for this beautiful read.