Reviews for Back to the Future: Sonic Style
TheMegaPonyRanger chapter 4 . 6/6/2019
When’s the next chapter?
Luca brignolo chapter 1 . 11/25/2018
Whould are you Continue with "when dimensions unite", please
Luca brignolo chapter 1 . 11/24/2018
Whold are you to continue with "when dimensions unite"plase
MOBIUS archives chapter 4 . 8/14/2018
MOBIUS archives chapter 3 . 8/14/2018
WOW! This. Is. Awesome! I had always hoped that if someone would do a Sonic parody of this they'd get the characters the perfect replacements like you just did! :) (though I did expect Einstein to be Tails' robot dog T-Pup but the Chao's better than nothing (or Muttski... that would make no lick of sense like... he'd be dead by the time Silver was born (although... Silver is born in the year 3420 P.X.E. in the comics but it still makes some sense at least)) :D Scourge as Biff is funny. Tails as Doc is something I've always said would make more sense than Uncle Chuck (even if he is older). :) Silver as Marty... Love it! :) Love it all!

Keep up the great work! :)

p.s. For back to the future 3 can you please make Mina Mongoose as Clara Clayton (sorry not really a Tails x Cream (hate it because Cream's like 6 years younger than him... and no Tails is not 8 years old in the comics... he's 11 (or 12 depending on how old he would be if they reverted Mobius back to normal)) or Tails x Marine (though I'd rather see him with Marine over Cream) fan) but I won't pressure you... it's your story not mine so I respect that. :)
teharrisonfox chapter 2 . 10/18/2016
Good idea but you written Knuckles not scrodge
teharrisonfox chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
Please continue!
Thomas chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
Very very good please continue! ! I love the idea!