Reviews for The White Lady of i'Hísië
Magician Girl Mirani chapter 10 . 3/22/2009
Oh my GOD! That was AMAZING! I nearly cried at the end of that, it was so sad. Why couldnt' Jack stay with Sam adn the little one? It just dosn't seem fair at all but I guess I'll find out more int he next story.

I really like this fic, it's one of the best lotr corssover stories I've ever read. I haven't found a lit of Stargate crossovers with LOTR but this is definately my favourite so far.
Isis the Sphinx chapter 10 . 3/20/2009
Very sad, but absolutely beautiful. Looking forward to the second part of this story. Keep writing!
FireChildSlytherin5 chapter 10 . 7/24/2006
How sweet and sad in the same time. Oh well, good story.
Calimbor chapter 8 . 4/14/2006
I've always enjoyed a crossover more then most stories, and so I've read alot of them on and sadly alot of the time I see the same mistakes.

I'm curious how this story will pan out, seeing as you've indtroduced some new "powers", but haven't let some of the Tau'ri's technolgy be imported into the story.

Granted I've only seen some of the show (SG:1) but did Sam not have some kind of symbiot with her for a short while that gave her "alot of knowled" even when it was taken out (or died) ?

I've noticed you've steered your fan fiction clear of anything related to the stargate universe such as technology and what not, and I find that a bit anoying seeing as Sam is confronted with a primitive people (and yes they are, and their magic is too sublte to be of much use, or Sauron wouldn't be that much trouble)

Well what I'm getting at is that you've done what countless others have done in a crossover fig. You've emphasised one and hung the other one out to dry, so to speak.

And I don't think I have to tell you which one is which do I ? its pretty obvious. And it kinda ruins the story since if your familiar or god forbid a fan of both fiction or tv show you have some background knowledge that simply isn't compatible with your story...or at least in my opinion.
Kathiena chapter 10 . 4/11/2005
that is so kewl. let me no when its finished
carter13 chapter 10 . 4/11/2005
that is so kewl.
lh chapter 10 . 8/9/2004
wow, amazing story,i love it! hope u continue to add to it!
Alatar chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
yay. this was the first story i read on this site, and my first review...heh. and i'm hooked lol. it's very good. i read them better in word, where i change the font and stuff, and there's some sentence structure issues, but nothing to kill the story, because i thought it was brilliant! you have captured my two loves, stargate and LOTR! (i love daniel, OMG he's so cool!)
XFKirsten chapter 10 . 11/11/2003
Absolutely incredible story! Please keep going!
CedarPineSpruce chapter 10 . 10/29/2003

A great story, I am looking forward to reading more. Is it possible that in the pouch with the pendant was also all of the letters that Sam had written? I'd love to have Jack explain that. It is though, such a gift to him to be able to read those words through the years.

All the best ~
Maria chapter 10 . 10/22/2003
I remember reading part of this story a while ago and really getting inot it, then I lost it! I'm so glad I found it again, its wicked cool. Update soon*
Renke chapter 10 . 10/19/2003
Great story! Can hardly wait to read the next part. Last 3 parts were a little confusing, but I'm sure it will all get clear :)
SDK chapter 10 . 10/17/2003
Very nicely written. I didn't think LOTR and SG could work together but you proved me wrong. Please continue this story!
Kolinshar chapter 10 . 10/16/2003
Marvoulous crossover! I'm more than definitely looking forward to future updates! Get that chapter done ASAP!

Much mahal,

Lynn chapter 10 . 10/11/2003
I may be a first time reviewer here, but just had to tell you how beautifully written this was :) I even cried at the end, knowing that Jack was about ot leave, so please tell me this is not the end, and post more soon!
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