Reviews for Until the Day I Act
cathyscloud9 chapter 51 . 3/7
So sad
GUYFawke chapter 51 . 3/6
Press F to pay respect.
Tsukiko chapter 51 . 3/6
I'm so heartbroken. When I saw the notification of this I was so delighted.
You will be missed my dear
Ama1998 chapter 50 . 12/1/2019
Was excellent didn't want to put my tablet down please continue this was a great story between shikamaur and temari
cathyscloud9 chapter 50 . 8/6/2019
Great chapter. I love how Gaara told Temari, out of the blue, of his approval.
cathyscloud9 chapter 49 . 8/6/2019
I enjoyed the chapter. I am glad you are writing your stories again.
Knifez chapter 49 . 7/11/2019
YAY! I'm so happy you're finishing your stories and I love your kickass attitude about it! Keep it up :)!
Guest chapter 49 . 7/8/2019
Seeing the notification in my emails filled me with joy. I'm happy you arent giving up the series.
nik chapter 49 . 7/7/2019
I was very surprised to see you update and very happy. You are great writer and I am glad you decided to finish your stories. Can't wait for more and good luck.
Jayjawkfl chapter 49 . 2/13/2019
This will be the first review. I created an account specifically for this.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. I really enjoyed your story. Binged this in about 4 days. So, well done, and thanks again.
Tsukiko chapter 49 . 12/14/2018
I hate that you had to go through all of this my dear and you have been stressed from this. Your series has brought small joys to my day and seeing you also attempt the Choji romance section made me so happy because not a lot of people try!

I will be sad to see you go but thank you for the art that you contributed.
Santuwa chapter 49 . 11/30/2018
Thank you so much!
Good luck!
Glass Dragon's Rose chapter 49 . 11/22/2018
That is a darn shame, you were doing so well with them. I thought the whole series for different couples was intriguing. Sorry to see you go.
Ice chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
Just so beautiful. I hope you will continue this one because it's really a Canon one. So well done whit the psicology of both shikamaru and temari. Please don't let me down
Guest chapter 39 . 11/9/2018
I’m sorry but I always thought the whole “sleeping with targets” thing was ridiculous and certainly not something Temari would ever agree to do. At most, seduction (and even that is a giant maybe, and would probably end with a kick to the balls), but agreeing to fuck some creepy old dude just to get information out of him? You’re telling me Gaara is okay with letting an important figure, his own SISTER, be involved in such an inappropriate mission? You’re telling me TEMARI would agree to being treated like some passed around whore? Yeah... no.

Otherwise, I enjoyed the fic, hah. Just that little tidbit I didn’t like. At all. You see it in Temari fics occasionally and I just find it completely disgusting and frankly very OOC. Blegh.
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