Reviews for The War
09837459006869600 chapter 18 . 3/7/2018
I decided to re read this again as I find myself relating to the struggles of scorpius and this story is one of the only on the internet that seems to portray it correctly and I'd just like to thank you for that. This story means the world to me, I don't know if you'll ever read this review but thank you for writing this .
09837459006869600 chapter 7 . 6/25/2017
Exceptional story deserve more reviews as it touched me a lot. Honestly really great and very well written, I really love this story
Guest chapter 18 . 3/10/2017
Amazing! Just spent ALL day reading this. Made my heart ache.
papayathewritingmachine chapter 18 . 2/27/2017
Are you ready for this review which is basically me half crying and half saying "crap crap crap crap crap that was really good"? I hope you are! So I've spent... about 20 hours reading this ((not consistently of course)) and ive just emerged basically a mess. I swear to god these characters you have formed are beautiful beautiful beautiful. They're so imperfect in so many ways that they fit together like puzzle pieces. Point of interest a) the romance. I am a hardcore Scorbus shipper. I've read a LOT of fics. None of them compare to this one. The romance itself is so MMMH CANT EXPLAIN! Im a sucker for Angsty Past/They Hate Eachother/Then They Fall In Love stories. Give me one of those and I will sit for 20 hours and drain my battery twice to finish reading it. Damn and this one is jskqibskaks. So good. The whole thing of little Scorpius wanting to be friends with Albus but Albus being like "wowowow nope no Malfoy for me" broke my heart. And then how Albus wants to help because he's an awesome Hufflepuff. And then Scorpius realising that Albus is good for him. And then being in a good place and kissing and yay ship ship ship. And then everything goes to hell? Perfect. My favourite kind of story. Please keep writing. Also yes, innocent Albus *clap clap*. Go innocent Albus who wants it to be special! Point of interest b) I'm going to keep the gushing about the angst in this to a minimum because it is a) not a lighthearted thing and it's serious and people suffer from this a lot and b) I might start crying. So the angst. On point my friend. I'll admit at first I thought it was dragging on a bit: "okay we get it Scorpius is depressed and thinks everyone hates him and he really needs help but can we move on?". Don't listen to me. The moment I thought that BAM we moved on. I get melodramatic sometimes. And Scorpius' thoughts broke my heart because god they're so believable. And I can't say more because I'm choking up. Point of interest c) sexuality. I love how Albus goes through a whole "questioning his sexuality" thing and his insecurities about it. As someone who is still mostly figuring out her's, I can relate. The amount of times I think "will they still love me?" is probably unhealthy but I think it's a natural part of questioning. It's portrayed really nicely! Point of interest d) how am I going to survive until the next chapter comes out? No pressure... Anyways, you got a long reviews of me gushing about your beautiful fic congrats ;). You've definitely landed a favourite and a follow from me. My next course of action is to see if you have any more stories! Happy writing :)
PS. Just a little thing: punctuation of dialogue you might want to check. Sometimes you have a comma instead of a period. And also it should be [U]ncle Charlie not [u]ncle Charlie. But that's it! Don't mind me I'm a grammar police XD. (I say as that last sentence had terribly grammar...).
now you see it. now you don't chapter 18 . 2/27/2017
Aww sweet Scorpius. I am so glad he has Professor Longbottom, Albus and Arabella. I feel bad for them all but especially Arabella since her relationship with Scorpius is struggling most (except for maybe Draco and his relationship). This is a very beautiful chapter. Thanks for the update!
now you see it. now you don't chapter 17 . 2/26/2017
My hearts in shambles. I admit you got me crying a couple of times the past few chapters. I'm curious if you cry while writing the emotional scenes? I like that Charlie and Albus get along so well and Scorpius too actually. You know for a minute or two I wasn't sure if you would actually let Scorpius die and be dead? Glad that didn't happen. Anyway, know that if you end up continuing this fic I will be reading it 100% :)
now you see it. now you don't chapter 6 . 2/26/2017
Aghhhh! I love this fic! It's amazing. I feel like you captured all of their personalities perfectly. I also think the way your handling the self harming is good. Scorpius is going to be the death of me. Keep on keeping on.
hawthorn-vine-witch chapter 1 . 2/8/2017
is this a scorpius x albus fanfic?
Guest chapter 16 . 2/7/2017
This story is amazing! I love it! Keep up the good work!
Caelum2 chapter 14 . 1/22/2017
Why don't more people like this? unlike all the other terrible fanfics where its sudden and more about just sex and being gay .This one makes you feel the you know how this feels :( please keep going! its a brilliant fic.
Smol Kitty Yura chapter 10 . 9/19/2016
I love this story so much.
I'm sad over the point that Scorpius gotten to, but I am so happy he is in the hospital wing getting help. Even if he does have no choice.
I also love that Albus wants him to be the one he spends the rest of his life with. I'm so proud of him!
I can't wait till the next chapter! D
Xkeep your faithX chapter 10 . 8/22/2016
I love this story even though it fills me with so many feels! Cant wait for you to update!
Xkeep your faithX chapter 5 . 7/10/2016
Really enjoying this story so far!