Reviews for Rokuten Doshin, I Reject
Spellflame chapter 9 . 6/26
Spellflame chapter 1 . 6/26
So that is why Aizen wanted her.
Also it was because she was a fullbring and she was filled with negativity
MissDoeProngsRose chapter 9 . 2/4
If your not going to update this. Please let others use your idea !
Guest chapter 9 . 10/11/2019
Reclusive Dork chapter 9 . 7/23/2019
well, i mean, he's not quite wrong about her being royalty... and she IS japanese... so i guess she's
'Japanese Royalty'?
Spidey-phd chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
Huh, this is the first time I've seen a fic that has Orihime travel through time but it makes sense.
Soulfire47 chapter 9 . 4/19/2019
This is one of the most beautiful pieces I have read to date, I'm extremely sad there will not be anymore. So much unfulfilled potential. I can only hope for a miracle to happen and this gets picked up.
Asuki -The Infinite Archive chapter 3 . 11/5/2018
nitpick... nii san not Neesan seeing Orihime's brother is a MAN.
Haku Mai chapter 9 . 6/30/2018
i like the way u write the character not so ooc, although i think it a regret if u drop this awesome story but it your right
just hoping you do continue this story, good luck.
Haku Mai chapter 9 . 6/28/2018
i like the way u write the character not so ooc, although i think it a regret if u drop this awesome story but it your right
just hoping you do continue this story, good luck.
Reymen chapter 5 . 5/11/2018
It is a interesting story, but it has the common problem of crossover between different stories. The crossover character is destroying every scale there is in the other media.
Average Reader chapter 9 . 5/8/2018
First off, I would like to mention that this was a wonderful idea to branch upon. Whether it was a challenge from another person or not, it was interesting and I am happy that you attempted to expand upon it. That being said; you mention in this last chapter that you are giving up with the reasoning of not liking to write Orihime. I would like to argue that you did not write her at all. You wrote the Spirits, which have so little screen-time in the show that this amount of Fairy POVS was baffling. You wrote Dumbledore, the teachers, Urahara, Draco, and Sora. You wrote so little of Orihime she might as well not even be tagged. Also, your general execution of the plot was sloppy at best. You tried to add in unneeded lore that could have remained vague and slipped on characterization several times. Also, the grammar, while not atrocious as that I have read worse, could use a better look over. Yes, I understand the mitigating factor of not having a beta and it is hard to catch mistakes on one's own. I am an un-beta'd author myself. Still, I must say that names should be literally impossible to spell wrong. Given that you can literally google them and find the correct spell in a matter of seconds. With all of this being said, I am not impressed nor happy with the turnout. I am also not surprised. Still, this is better than some Orihime fics. She is not an easy character to work with, and it is all too easy to place as the normal ditzy damsel or as a side decoration in a scene. The curse of being a female side character in a Shonen Manga/Anime.
Noitaerc chapter 9 . 2/9/2018
I can imagine the letter Draco will send: ‘’Dear father, we may have a problem. My... minions (and I think I am being too kind here) may have annoyed a Japanese Princess... or worse. I will try to salvage the situation, but I would like your advice.’’
Noitaerc chapter 6 . 2/9/2018
Nah, Urahara would have replaced the Hogyoku with an explosive that would set off when Aizen would be far enough from non-traitors, after saying something like ‘’I win, sucker!’’
Silvia09 chapter 9 . 1/10/2018
Please continue author-san
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