Reviews for Eating Together, Drinking Alone
DesertRose3000 chapter 33 . 7/8
Nice story. Loved the use of food symbolism. Never would have pictured HikoxTae, but you made it work.
piccolabimba chapter 33 . 4/14
And now I am thinking, hmmm Hiko and Tae...
waterflower20 chapter 33 . 8/9/2019
I've read all your stories in three days, and I'm already anxious to read more! More new stories, and more new chapters! Your writing is amazing, I think I'm in love with it!
Uchiha-Dani-Uzumaki chapter 33 . 3/10/2019

Such a good plot! I loved how empowered Tae was! And how respectfull Hiko was towards that and her.

Although I wasn't expecting that amount of years to passed by before they could meet again!

And I do have to admit that at the very least I would have liked to see a kiss between them... but oh well

Good story!
Rori77 chapter 33 . 8/4/2018
I enjoyed Hiko and Tae's understated romance, as well at the little glimpses into Kenshin's domestic life. This was very elegantly written.
Thank you.
Teej chapter 33 . 5/28/2018
First of all, thank you so much for this story! I absolutely loved the evolution of the whole "will they or won't they' plot. Very nicely executed and you did a marvelous job of drawing the whole thing out. Also connected everything to food somehow was a lovely touch.

Secondly, the only reason I stumbled across this fic was because I had got a good long hard look at Fukuyama Masaharu in his role as Hiko Seijuro.

Oh my, he is delicious! Love a guy that can smoulder like that, oh la laaaa~!

Anyway, I don't that much of the Rurouni Kenshin story lines as a whole but I got the just of Hiko pretty quickly, especially watching the live action version of him. I can't actually watch much of it right now, but I thought, someone in fandom had to have noticed this guy, let me go find fic ... and here you are.

Thank you so much for a lovely read!
Mamoro chapter 30 . 5/19/2018
I love that statement about Hiko ENJOYING living. That is enormous.
DGtnsl chapter 7 . 2/3/2018
This is great! I love the elixir of youth comment.
DGtnsl chapter 4 . 2/3/2018
Looks like master and apprentice like headstrong women who stand up to them!
DGtnsl chapter 3 . 2/3/2018
Tae! Oh my!
Geez Hiko, don't freeload.
DELEEEEETTEEEDDDD chapter 33 . 12/19/2017
Oh my god this story was amazing! I had never thought about a relationship between Hiko and Tae! I can't believe Kenshin and Kaoru had tha many kids! Yahiko and Tsubame also had a child! Also, never thought of how Hiko's past may have been! One of the parts I liked was how Hiko was like "Shit, it's love."
I really enjoyed reading this Fanfic! I've got more to say, but keep up the great work!
kokoronagomu chapter 33 . 12/14/2017
aww, that's so sweet! glad you finished this! so sorry i took so long to read the rest but life crashed in and it bites. lol

even though their arrangement is unusual, it works for them. i would have thought that the cabin in the mountains could become a summer home but maybe later when he's older and can't travel so freely (unless the hiten really does give longevity... lol).
kokoronagomu chapter 32 . 12/14/2017
methinks she's planned her move with something/someone in mind. ;)
kokoronagomu chapter 31 . 12/14/2017
oh well, sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder... sometimes it doesn't but i don't think either of them are frivolous. it's just so hard at that time to be single as a woman especially one who has to compete in a man's world.
kokoronagomu chapter 30 . 12/14/2017
even if she were to marry hiko, he's more portable and can set his studio up anywhere as long as he can get the kind of clay he wants. really, people and their assumptions are irritating having been the object of people's gossip, rumor and assumption... just because in the mid 70s i buzzed my hair and wore a three piece suit and tie occasionally (it was high fashion at the time) people assumed... idiots who don't know that the two of them are not that close to an arrangement should mind their own business.
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