Reviews for How These Things Happen
A Musing Brunette chapter 4 . 9/5/2017
I am amazed how this story has slipped past the radar of so many people! This is just precious and (/cue Agnes voice) so FLUFFY!

You have kept the characters so close to IC and made this scenario so believable. Especially if you consider how much Kyoko is maturing and healing emotionally after the confrontation with Saena. And, boy, do I hope that Ren man's up in the actual manga soon, just like you've written him! I don't expect it to be an overnight occurrence, but I hope he starts showing Kyoko his feelings more so she can warm up to the idea... ease into it.

This story deserves more attention and favorites, in my opinion. Thank you for sharing. I have enjoyed your writing.
Michiyo chapter 4 . 10/16/2016
I enjoyed reading this! Thank you for sharing!
MyuPanChan chapter 4 . 6/23/2016
Awwwwww... so cute! *-* love it!
MyLuckTookAWalk chapter 4 . 1/28/2016
OMG I LOVE THIS! I love how you empathised the fact tthat Kuon/Ren is in fact younger than he makes it seem and that last chapter was perfect! Thanks for writing!
Cristina chapter 4 . 1/21/2016
I really enjoyed this. I don't know that I would have considered this finished.
claraowl chapter 4 . 1/8/2016
*happy claraowl noises*
Dandy Mandy chapter 4 . 1/6/2016
This is wonderfully written! I think you have written a very conceivable 'Kuon's confession' story and all the characters sound just like themselves. This one is going in my favourites!
Dreamarcher1 chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
I really like this story and although the first chapter was a little hard to read the following chapters were much easier. I think you nailed the characters. I'm surprised I'm the first reviewer!