Reviews for Incurable Addiction
fujoshicchi chapter 2 . 5/21/2016
InsanelyMandie chapter 2 . 1/10/2016
ExtinctionOfReality chapter 2 . 1/9/2016
Aww, that was the first thought that comes to mind as I reached the end. And truthfully, it was an amazing read for that reason.

But what's really interesting here is that despite Sousuke and Makoto being so very in sync here, you mastered Makoto's yandere side FLAWLESSLY. His obsession was clear from the beginning and till the end and I absolute loved Sousuke's musings concerning "You are mine" that he has never heard before despite Makoto's clearly possessive and obsessive nature.

That aside... I felt jealousy hit my senses as I read the beginning of this chapter. Never before in my life has that happened with me while reading a fic... I felt jealous of what Makoto This kinda bites because technically this is fiction and shiet but like... XD I don't know... I guess it was just THAT real to me... Plus my tendencies or something... So I think this calls for MAJOR prompts to you.

Another thing I really liked in this story was Sousuke's character... It's kinda hard for me to imagine someone finding a yandere!Makoto so flawless, so Anyway, Sousuke did. And this is outstanding... Throughout the fic I felt the warmth and adoration to the core. From both of them. It was a good feeling.

I never noticed this before, but you use present tense while writing. That's really interesting to me as I don't come across this writing style often (I myself use past tense)...I admit it was hard for me to read . imagine . take in scenes because of that sometimes, but it's not because you did something bad, I am just too used to the past tense lmao. XDD Idiot me...

And last but not least, I absolutely LOOOVED Sousuke's fetish with scars... for the simple fact it was Makoto's doing. Beautiful. Simply perfect. BRAVO.
Also, I love how Sousuke's hate for Nanase is so relating... XD This makes me realize just how right SouMako as a shipp really is, in all actuality... I blame you for dragging me into SouMako

Lastly... Thank you, from the bottom of what I have left of my heart. I love your SouMako portrayal and wish to see more of this couple from you in the future. Thank you, THANK YOU, for dedicating this outstanding story for me and all of the countless hours you spent writing this work of art. *low bow*
ExtinctionOfReality chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
My god... what a perfect read... did I mention this is the best yandere Makoto I read? Well, I am not being original here by repeating the same thing again, but I am just... I have no words...
First of all, I would like to thank you, from the bottom of my heart for writing something so pure AND dedicating it to little ol' me! I am honored and completely astounded! Thank you, thank you soo muuch for this treasure!
Now, the fic... You know what I loved most about it? Sousuke. How Sousuke remained calm and accepting despite the crazy calamity that befell on him all of a sudden... But in all actuality, I have a feeling that he knew it was coming deep down... He just knows his angel (I SCREAMED when he called Makoto that!) so well..
It makes my heart flutter with joy that my yandere Makoto got a happy ending in the end. There needs to be at least one fic like this... Because he has been through TOO MUCH... My baby... And he finally got accepted. For who he is.. Despite being a monster, what he thinks of himself, he was accepted... He found someone who loves and supports him the way he is... Gods... Just REALIZING THIS is sooo haard for me. Because this is my ultimate wish for him... But it's so hard... So very hard to see him happy, for him to find happiness... Or maybe I am just thinking like yandere Makoto right now... Again... But at least I know why he is never happy in my head...
Anyway, I digress... This was perfection, pure masterpiece and it forever stays my most fave Free fic. Thank you dear for this glorious read. I truly needed it VERY EVEERY MUCH as you know! XD

THANK YOUU AND WRITE MOOORE! I will be waiting for sure (I'll take that last part of the fic as a hint). xPP
More yandere Makoto depicted in the right way, I scream for MORE!