Reviews for All of the Above
Asuka-Tan chapter 10 . 8/27/2016
Ocena Strex chapter 10 . 8/21/2016
Personally, I've never understood how people can enjoy those kinds of sports and even expose their children to such violence. But it's cute to see how they all enjoy spending time together, and how much Zack's presence is missed. I understand that Zack needed some time to get used to the idea that Cloud is really dating right now. I'm also glad that he came around and remains supportive of his best friend.

And I guess the attraction between Squall and Cloud is just too much for the two to take. The date was cute and I loved how Cloud just wanted to 'do this right'. Though they got in each other's pants eventually, they took their time...somewhat XD. I hope they'll stay good and I wonder when, if and how their relationship will eventually come out.
grandshadowseal chapter 10 . 8/20/2016
Oh god! The part with Squall imagining what he would do to Cloud, i've seen a picture of that on google!
Frankokomando chapter 10 . 8/19/2016
No matter what story I read Cloud is getting all the sex, haha. I love it. I was really excited to see this updated and I can't wait until you update it again :D
zabalaskid chapter 9 . 8/2/2016
Oh my god. This story has me in tears! I really hope I get to see the conclusion! love your work, keep writing! Youre pretty boss at it!
TortoiseNHare64 chapter 9 . 3/28/2016
Wow, a LOT to this chapter! The way you handled depression and had everyone act and respond was exceptional. As someone who has it, I even shared this fic with some friends to help explain it to them. (They're all hardcore zangeal fans!) I'm really glad that Zack got to vent his frustrations about cloud in this chapter. As always, thank you for writing this! Keep up the awesome work! Everyone needs a Buster
Azure Lovely Tama chapter 9 . 3/28/2016
Oh gosh this chapter was just fricken great. The emotions that were portrayed here was fabulous. Angeal and zack each sharing the same problems is tugging at my heart strings and the only thing that is makin me happy Is the whole little family thing Angeal zack and Denzel has. So beautiful. Keep up the good work and awaiting next chapter!
Ocena Strex chapter 9 . 3/28/2016
Oh gosh Angeal :(. Poor guy. I'm happy that he's got Gen and Seph who know what to do to help him. And now Zack and Denz are helping him too. I think Denzel in particular is being a great help with his big heart and understanding nature.

And I did see that pass he made towards Zack at the end there. I'm guessing that this particular episode of depression is sparked by him developing feelings for Zack while also being reminded of Aeris. A combination of factors that made him unable to understand what he is feeling. I'm hoping spending more time with Zack will help him deal with it better, even if only slightly.
Thunder Of Friendship chapter 9 . 3/28/2016
Aaaaaaah so many feels in this one! I was so worried about Angeal, and I'm glad everyone was there for him. I was so happy that Zack jumped over that fence, and Buster, the sweetie, I'm so happy he's there for Angeal. Genesis was a blessing, but then again I am biased. Sephiroth was adorable! The prospect of Denz and Sephiroth getting closer makes me excited. That, and the fact that Genesis thinks Denz is adorable, that just flew and hit me off the chair. What hit me more solidly was that Zack seems to be kind of avoiding Cloud, which is very understandable, but...ow... I kind of blame them because of their make-shift odd relationship that neither of them let go of, but... It's not like they're (Cloud is) cheating, but there is still that small sense of it somewhere in there because of Cloud not saying anything about it. I know we usually always, for me at least, see Cloud's insecurities a lot more than Zack's, and the fact that Zack sees nothing of that. I can only imagine what Cloud is going through, but right now I'm far too concerned about Angeal. I'm glad he's doing better. I'm glad that Denz is so open minded and accepting, and how he wants to help and is so responsible.

I'm grateful to this chapter, really. I don't want to go into detail cuz I'll get self-conscious, but thank you. This whole story is resonating with me in a way that I still can't quite point out, but I really love it and am grateful for it.

Happy highlights of the chapter: Genesis being an adorable sweetie, Sephiroth with a ponytail and buried under dogs, Denz bringing over the desert, Angeal being comforted.
grandshadowseal chapter 9 . 3/27/2016
jeez, i don't know how you do it but you make Angeal's depression sound so life like! and i'm glad that he and Zack are able to help each other out...
also i kind of feel sorry for poor Squall, he looks so awkward around Zack now! i hope he gets over it eventually. XD
Shadowblayze chapter 9 . 3/27/2016
I waited a bit after finishing this chapter because I wanted to calm down a bit.

I swear I will not gush.

Self control. I will have some.

So, anyways, this chapter was magnificent~! Zack's internal musings/observations at the beginning really set the tone nicely- see how I'm not gushing about how amazingly *Zack* those thoughts were and how much I *adore* your handling of his character?- and Angeal's episode was handled expertly.

What I mean to say is that you've adequately presented your characters as flawed human beings but you have done so in such a way that they still feel like whole people and not two-dimensional cutouts.

Angeal still feels like a grown man, just like Zack still feels like a responsible adult. Their issues have only added to their individual stories instead of defining them.

Ahhhhhhhh! There are so many things that I loved- like the little Denzel moments of being a kid or Zack's observation about Denzel's hair or the moment when Zack realized Denzel was old enough and Squall's silent struggle while Zack is also trying to come to terms that Cloud is dating the man or that moment when Genesis sort of nonverbally fully acknowledged Zack as a potential partner for Angeal or-

Right. No gushing.

This was fabulous. Thanks for sharing~~~!
Thunder Of Friendship chapter 8 . 3/16/2016
That part in the beginning I just wanna hold Cloud and shake him back and forth telling him that his examples ARE NOT BAD! Unless they are, and I don't know it, because to me that seems like the best example? I think? Children usually have an intuition for good and evil? I'm making up stuff, but CLOUD PLEASE EASE UP ON YOURSELF. Also yay strifehart because I, yeah, I still can't comment on such stuff XD but it was fun to read. i'm glad they actually sorted out the tension between them. Then the tension all came back with Zack, but seriously, Cloud needed that. He needed to unwind and cry it out. Even from what Zack described a few chapters back, I agree with Tifa, Cloud never actually dealt with the whole divorce thing, and now it's like a giant wave he'd been running away from. Now, I really wonder what Denzel's view of this whole thing is. He's so sweet and accepting though, that I'm really glad. I had too many feels over this chapter to the point where till now I don't know what to write as a response. I just become speechless hehe. Your writing is dynamic, if that makes any sense? Or I really get into the feelings of characters when I read. Each chapter is like a wave. It starts off at some point and follows the full motion, rising up to the peak and then crashing back down on the reader and leaving them baffled. That whole analogy sounds wrong. I'm not in a right state of mind, with a cold and all, haha.
kzam chapter 8 . 3/3/2016
You're such a pro at this. Idk what it is, but the line between friends/more and love/in love has always really fascinated me, and I really love your exploration of that here. Zack and Cloud's relationship is so beautiful - how nothing changed between them, but so much really did just in the realization they had leading up to the divorce. They both have such strong feelings about each other still, and so many insecurities and it's so confusing yet clear all at once. They both want to move on while still holding on but not really holding on the same way...that probably doesn't make sense, but it really DOES to me because you've done such a great job breaking down how they feel about each other. Every scene where they're together or thinking about each other really just hammers it in, and hits me so hard. You're so friggin talented, I can't even tell you how many feels this chapter gave me.

I'm so happy about how they spelled it out to each other in the end of this chapter. It felt like some closure, having them say it to each other and make that promise instead of just feeling it separately. But at the same time, they're both so early on in their new potential relationships that I'm sure it's going to be an adjustment still - especially after they find out about each other. You're doing such a great job, I'm so invested in their feelings and I can't wait to see how you have them handle the reality of each other moving on rather than the hypothetical they discussed here. It's really exciting to think how happy they'll be when they come out on the other side of all this!

Also, totally pleased with the developments with Cloud/Squall - way to go Cloud for calling him out on being an asshole and finding out what was going on. I was cheering him on the whole way! The parenting scene in the beginning was adorable as always, and you've still got me so hooked on Cloud and Tifa's friendship :) you're amazing, and this is amazing, and my heart is aching with feels as I wait for more!
Stellar Eclipse chapter 8 . 2/28/2016
I absolutely adore this story. I love the idea of it and how well you write it and just everything. It's funny and honest and sweet and heartbreaking and I've been sneaking online more frequently just to see if there's more to read. I finally had to come out of hiding to review because this chapter actually made me cry a little at the end there. ;-; Thank you for writing this - I'm so looking forward to more! *heart*
Frankokomando chapter 8 . 2/22/2016
I love reading this story. I'm always so sad when I reach the end of a chapter.
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