Reviews for Crush
freyja0taku chapter 1 . 2/10/2016
waahhhh... It hurts but I love this.. I love Raine and Laguna.._
Shikashi Irvin chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
That was very cute. It seems that everybody agrees that in that pairing, she's the one with more dominant role (in the good sense of it) and he's more sensitive and romantic. It's very well portrayed.

There's a big timeline fault, but: Julia died like 12 years prior game in a car accident. Likely a year after Julia and Laguna met, she got engaged with Caraway because Laguna was left for dead after that failed mission on Centra. Raine said that there were rumous about the singer having had a lover in the army who dissapeared in mission and she felt very upset, then Caraway stood up to support her. Is in that moment when Laguna knows about what happened with his crush and feels down.

In fact, it was this timeline that made me believe that Laguna was Rinoa's father and Caraway were the poor lad who took care of the baby because of reasons (I'm prety positive that the soldier who discuss with Laguna at the hotel for having gained the lady's favours is Caraway, and he was looking for his moment to shine). Don't deny that the resemblance is striking.

Anyway, good fic. I'm going to check is you have something more.
LaylaEvercrest chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
WOw! What a sweet story. I haven't seen this concept done before, so this was really refreshing. The very last bit was so wonderful. You're right. If it hadn't been for Juila his story would have never linked with Raines. Bitter sweetness.