Reviews for Save the Air Benders
FeAssassin chapter 3 . 1/6/2016
You are a very prolific writer I do have to say! I can't stop smiling everytime you throw in one of those scenes were Asami and Korra and kidding around and telling cute jokes and stuff. Loving the story!
Gilmore Gasoline chapter 3 . 1/6/2016
Offering potential air-bending nomads money to join up is atypical of Sato's super genius! After they have the money, they find that they can't keep it because they find they're not supposed to have material things and have to give it back.

Asami : WINNING!

Beats Tenzin telling people their best friend will be an air bison, or Korra dragging twenty somethings out of their mothers' basements by the collar.

*loved* the talk with the Future Industries pilot, and it was doubly cool that you made him someone who has known Asami since the time of her childhood, through his observations, he caught the subtle nuances of Asami's behavior that others might not catch. It was sweet, like he was giving her his blessing, or rather support to go after something that would make her truly happy, something just for her, because she deserves to be happy, even though she might not feel that way herself.

As far as the future Industries ads go, just go for what you *really* want, Sato.

Greased up Avatar, lying on the hood of a Sato II-gull wing doors raised (I can improvise), bikini.

Skimpy bikini... ;D

Excellent, EXCELLENT chapter! I was so thrilled to see that you'd updated this story, hell, I'm tickled to see when you've written anything. :)

I always say it, but I really mean it, I can't WAIT for the next chapter! XD

Gilmore Gasoline chapter 2 . 1/6/2016
You know, in some fic, somewhere, some time, I'd like to see Asami whip out her compact mirror and shove it into Raiko's face and ask "Who do you look like?"

Raiko: "What do you mean?"

Asami: "I'm just asking, who do you see in the mirror?"

Raiko: "I don't understand."

Asami: "Do you look like Avatar Korra?"

Raiko: "What?"

Asami: "Dooooooooo yooooooou looooooook liiiiiiiiike Kooooora?"

Raiko: "Well, um, no."

Asami: "Then please tell me, Mr. President, why are you trying to $%#& me?" Then Asami smacks the crap right out of the side of his head, because that's what all his ideas are. Shit.

I love Asami talking about her car being turned into mecha tank chow (and resisting her penchant for show offery), and trying to teach Korra to not drive shitty, and bonding over Makass, and providing a big honking airship to impress Korra, and let's face it, that might not be the "main" reason why Asami did that, but it's *one* of the reasons why she did that, it's like a Corvette in the sky (and she's allowed to do that every once and awhile because she's Asami freakin' Sato). It's sooooo adorably cute!

It is kind of mean, but fun anyway, the way Asami and Korra were kind of ragging Mako, it's not like he doesn't deserve it...and the joking about the Avatar exclusive swimming pool?

Anyway, so much fun, and so smart! You really wrote a fantastic chapter!

Enjoyed it very much!

Gilmore Gasoline chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
How in the world did I miss this?

Excellent, excellent additions you've made to the existing story! I wish that you and some of the other talented people in here could have written for the original series. Canon is good, but your work just gilds the lily! I just love the angsty, loving struggles that you write your characters, especially our two favorite girls, having.

Anyhoo, this is something else!

Guest chapter 2 . 11/24/2015
wondering if you'll write aftershock to Prison Korra - how Asami nursed her back to health ;p
NoaMcCool chapter 2 . 11/21/2015
I just finished my rewatch of LoK, and this fic is exactly what I needed. Thanks :)
sdlkhfjsfdlg chapter 2 . 11/19/2015
Oh man, certainly looking forward to this! I've just recently watched LoK and finished it within two days (hell yeah!) and I was hooked! Well, the only reason I watched it is because a friend of mine recommended it to me and told me that Korrasami was canon. I was skeptical at first because there wasn't any in the first to third season (although I love the little things that I see with my yuri-glasses) and I just went and broke at the fourth.

Anyways, I wasn't here to tell my story! I really like it. From what I've read, it's mostly Korra who is pinning for Asami so it's nice to see something different once in a while. I will happily wait for updates! See you soon!
FeAssassin chapter 1 . 10/24/2015
This is good. I like it very much. Am curious to see where you take Asami and Korra and how you tie it in with 'light' and the tv series.