Reviews for The Empty Crib
Guest chapter 7 . 10/28/2017
Maybe if Lily stopped inserting herself into James’ and Inogen’s family, James would have a better chance to build a better relationship with Andreas. They’re incredible invasive the lot of them, and if I were James I would have told them to get lost a looong time ago, the second his son started prefaring his sister over himself should’ve been the sign.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/20/2016
Love this trilogy. Only complaint is it's not long enough!
Lara1221 chapter 15 . 4/18/2016
I actually read this when you first PM'd me! I love it :D Lol everytime Ginny subtely told Harry to stop being so harsh made me laugh (the squeeze of the knee in warning, because it is a warning in his head that he knows Ginny can make this really hard for him); I thought the whole conversation was really well done and hearing it from Harry's perspective was just the best. You really had me smiling in this one; loved it!
Lara1221 chapter 11 . 1/29/2016
God...that Eoin is such a sick bastard. I love the friendship between Etta and Lily. I love Comet. I love how protective Harry is. I love how much James appreciates Albus. I love Clive and Etta. And then that end...oh my god, I wanted to cry. Also I realize I already reviewed the last chapter but I wanted to mention how much of a badass Lily is! She ended that shit on her own terms. I can't even tell you how much I love the stories, though. And how hard she works to keep James and Imogen involved. Anyway, this whole story is amazing. I'm tempted to just say I love it for every chapter because I want to review but I can't think of anything to say besides that, haha.
Lara1221 chapter 14 . 1/29/2016
This is easily my favorite of the series for so many different reasons. For starters, the title is brilliant. If you think I didn't notice how you subtly put it in at different, contrasting moments, you're wrong. I noticed and I loved it. Secondly, I LOVE how many faces we get to see in this chapter. There are so many relationships and interactions going on, familial and friendly and romantic, and its all brilliant; they're characterized so well and again, the OCs are amazing. Thirdly, Lily/Lorcan GIVES ME LIFE. I ship them all the time, but I think this is the most genuine, beautiful romance I've seen between the two. That scene in the jail broke my heart, and later when they're together, and she's an idiot in her own way, and Lily/Harry'sReactionToBoysThatAren'tLorcan OMG and Lorcan is so so adorable and brave and perfect. But that when they're together later scene and their conversation is seriously...I love it. Another thing I love about this one is the JamesAl brother dynamic; Albus is a badass in his own way and James needs to live with that, definitely. Also, as realistic as the wizarding world can be, I think you did a really good job making their scenario and needing to hide and all that realistic, and the way they lived in the Maryland was all just really smart. And then of course there was the villain, who was flawless, and Lorcan's super protectiveness when he was torturing her, and how protective SHE was of HIM...aghhh. And then there's Andreas. Seriously the amount of character development that came from that baby is brilliant. Also the stories that Lily tells...this whole story is just so smart, I don't really know how else to put it. May I make a suggestion? I actually think the reason this story isn't that popular is because the summary seems very...mundane sort of things; I think if you added in something about a crazy threat and kidnapping and adventure like holy shit this would've been the first one I read, definitely.

Anyway seriously this story is amazing and I love it and great job.
wheresthewolf chapter 14 . 11/16/2015
Great story! Great ending! Harry as DADA teacher, Professor Sinistra as Headmistress, Hermione as Minister! Love it! Do an Albus Potter centered story! You've done James and Imogen twice and this one was more Lily. Love it! Love Imogen!
Guest chapter 14 . 11/16/2015
Well done, great ending xx
Stinkyx3 chapter 14 . 11/16/2015
I absolutely love your writing. The story ended just as I like. Lovely fluff. Harry ending up as professor has always been a headcanon of mine and makes perfect sense here.
To come full circle you'll have to write an albus-centric story now ;) I'll be waiting 3
nesciamema chapter 14 . 11/15/2015
Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
cherryblossom12 chapter 14 . 11/15/2015
What a great ending to a great couple of fanfics! I love the way you've developed the characters and plot throughout this fic and the two preceding it. The resolution in this chapter was super great as well. I loved the bit about Lily's veil from Luna and I love, love, LOVE that Harry is going to become the DADA professor at Hogwarts. Smiles all around. I hope you continue to write. I'll be sure to read any new stories of yours!
seriouslySirius chapter 14 . 11/15/2015
Yay for happy endings! I loved this story as well as the two before it and I am so thankful for great writers like you who let me continue to live in the Potter world. This story was probably my favorite of the three because you built it up so beautifully and I never knew what to expect next. Everything tied together in the end and wrapped up beautifully. Bravo!
TheDrabbleOfBlue chapter 14 . 11/15/2015
Cheers on the ending! Great job!
LifeIsMoreThanAPrettyFace chapter 14 . 11/15/2015
Aww I'm sorry it's over. It was such a cute story
Bumblebee Clark chapter 14 . 11/15/2015
Loved it! Your stories are so good! Please keep writing stories with these characters!
Mattis A Forti chapter 14 . 11/15/2015
Amazing story! Really loved it, especially all of the characters. It also was really captivating. I would love to see another with Albus :)
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