Reviews for Mom
Karli1252 chapter 1 . 11/23/2016
Awe this was so cute. I love that last line; 'BAU moms' is so cute.
milkteethbabydoll chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
I always viewed Reid relationship like a mother/son one. I miss Alex so much *sniffles*
tasheika.conley chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
Awww that was so cute.
Brithna chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
Can we get this scene in the show already, or what? Loved it. Totally in character for them both.
Yozi chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Aaawwwwww 3
JuliaBC chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Oh, I've had tons of dreams that ended up inspiring fanfiction.

This was such a sweet story. Spot on characters and I loved how this showed Reid's vulnerability while you also had him state that he did love his mother.
SpenceFTW chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
So cute. If she'd been single, then she could get together with Dave (after Erin passed anyway, cause I do like Strossi) and then his "BAU parents" would be together.
fishtrek chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Annber03 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Awwwww :). This is so cute. Funny I read this now, too, as I'd just been talking with someone else about the mother/son sort of bond these two had.

The way Reid was so excited when he called to Blake made me imagine what he must've been like as a little boy, wanting to show his mom his latest school project or test or whatever that he did really well on, and I love that that carries over here. The way he tried desperately to stop blushing after his slip was so cute :D.

And I love Blake's reaction to his slip up of calling her "Mom". You have her character down so well. She was always so good at knowing how to respond to him as it was, and I can totally see her being a mix of surprised and touched and yet not making a big thing out of it so as not to embarrass him further :).

I also like how you have them talking it over afterward, with Reid wanting to apologize and Blake putting him at ease (and I could totally see an encounter like the one she shared happening to her! Aw). And then the whole thing of them wishing the other was their mom or son-ohhhhhh. So sweet and so sad all at the same time, knowing what we know about their family histories. I like how you show Reid's conflicted feelings here, the slight guilt he has over seeing Blake as a mom considering he's got his own, and loving his own mom yet wanting one like Blake, too. Indeed, she can be there, and was there, for him in ways his own mom can't and wasn't, and it's obvious how much Reid misses his own mom here, and now I just want to hug the poor thing.

And Reid may not be Blake's biological son, but with the way she treated him, he sure seemed to come close enough in her eyes :). I liked her joke at the end to lighten the mood and help him feel better about the awkwardness of it all.

I kind of wish a scene like this had actually happened on the show now! I always loved the dynamic and interaction between these two, and this story explains why so well. Very sweet. cute, lovely story :).
tannerose5 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
I think the Reid and Alex on the show had the same feelings. Remember when she called him Ethan after Reid was shot in the neck? That was heartbreaking. But back to your one-shot. I loved the line about the vegetables.
Keep the stories coming.
Lktwh13 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Aww, that was cute! :-)
Kimd33 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
She treated him more like a son.