Reviews for Scourge of God
pandawa chapter 4 . 9/19/2018
good chapter
DomR1997 chapter 4 . 5/29/2018
It's really unfortunate this died. It had a lot of potential and the few chapters available are quite enjoyable.
Angron chapter 4 . 5/23/2018
update this story please
Paktu chapter 4 . 9/20/2017
PEJP BengtZone V2 chapter 4 . 4/9/2017
1. If, and when, you decides to include the ordeal with the Water Spirit at Lake Ragdolia, will you let Imran and/or Saito be allowed to swallow a pure, unaltered Spirit's Tear given to either of them by the Water Spirit, whom could use the consumed Spirit's Tear as a beacon-like conduit of a focus for her Spirit Magic to influence the consumer of the Spirit's Tear from within his/her own body?
You could have the Water Spirit use her Spirit Magic to infuse the consumer of a Spirit's Tear with her memories and knowledge by telepathically copying it all down into the mind of the 'consumer', allowing them to subconsciously experience her past in a manner similar to how Shepard experienced the effects of, as well as visions from, the Prothean Beacons, the Siphon, the Asari Mind-Melding and/or the Reaper Artifact 'Object Rho'.
You could maybe even allow them to develop an affinity for Spirit Magic as a byproduct of the process.

2. If we were to treat some of the main/major characters from Zero No Tsukaima as this story's equivalent(s) for the 'Squad Members' of the Mass Effect franchise's main series games as well as perhaps the Dragon Age games, then which characters, other than perhaps Saito, would you have let be part of Imran's Squad?

3. Are you planning letting Saito get to wield, or at least hold, any of the weapons in Imran's arsenal, considering that he possesses the Familiar Runes of Gandalfr?
It is like a variant of Psychometry and/or 'Touch Telepathy' that manifests as a form of Technopathy that is limited to weaponry-based technology.

4. Will you feature any OCs of the other Mass Effect races; Krogan, Turian, Asari, Salarian, Quarian, Drell, Batarian or maybe even a Prothean?

5. Will there be any encounters with dwarves, orcs, ogres, trolls, goblins, elves and/or dark elves during the the first arc of this story?
They would be different from the elves, dwarves and ogres seen in the Dragon Age series, of course.
PEJP BengtZone V2 chapter 3 . 4/9/2017
Are you going to have Saito show the PDA he has for a handheld device in the original light novel series?
GuyUnderABridge chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
wait for four months for a updated i want to know what happened TT
Fyr RedNight chapter 4 . 11/10/2016
This chapter was worth the wait, I really liked the psychological side of this one, especially with the way how Louise and Saito interacted with each other, it shows that, in the end, relationships debuts really depends on how the persons involved start up from... It's more visible on Guiche's part, it gets to the point where he grows out of his womanizer tendencies to question himself... That's some character development there.

Also about the Pariahs, where does they comes from ? Because I've done some research and all I got was a Geth character named as such, and I'm pretty sure that's not him right ? Are they original foes that you've made up, or did you get the inspiration from somewhere else ? Or am I not well versed enough in Mass Effect lore yet ? If not could you send a link please, I've got some trouble to picture it in my mind.

As for Imran, I'm really curious about him, I can't wait to see how you'll handle his character.

Anyway, that was a great chapter and a nice surprise, I hope to see more to come in the near future.

Keep up the good job !
Jeggetts chapter 4 . 11/9/2016
Glad to see this still kicking. I've always wanted to see how useful those runes would be when SciFi weapons are involved. Really hope Saito gets his hands on a Cain...
Bala09 chapter 3 . 10/2/2015
Wait. I thought medic gel heal wound? Oh well, that what the wiki says, but nevertheless.

If you want to understand how to use the eezo, too its great potential (more or less) then i'm recommend you to read: Arms Race by EgotisticalIndustries. If you understand scientific stuff.
Thaqif chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
When will you going to update this?
If you ever update the story, try and make it longer and more grammarrific.
edboy4926 chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
Interesting intro.
Fyr RedNight chapter 3 . 8/3/2015
Ah there is the development of the first chapter's end... It was worth the wait, really. It was nice how you handled the fighting scene in this one, you did a great job at it. Especially the part where against all odds, the futurist hero rise up and finish the fight while trying to keep everyone safe. That must have been tricky to pull off... Particularly keeping in consideration he was wounded, and you had to make do with it, really, you did great. But also the post fighting scene... That's where you really did the difference. Handling how the concerned parties would react was, when I think about it, maybe fairly simple but, paradoxically, also very complicated. When you think about it, there is no way to predict how a normal teenager from our modern age, would react in the aftermath of something as troubling and scary, such as a fight with a soldier from the future against a space zombi... No really there aren't. And let's not talk about the locals themselves... Seriously, how are they supposed to understand anything like this, that's happening just before them ? Again there you did a good job. I precisely liked how Saito, helped of Colbert, tried to save Imran... Good implementation of the otherworldly mechanisms, from an Halkeginian point of view, of medical science. That opens many interesting doors for the futur.
Anyway, this chapter was great and I'm looking forward to see the nexts to come.

Keep up the good job !
Fyr RedNight chapter 2 . 8/2/2015
That's a good looking story you've got there, so far the plot is well handled, with a good mix of action, drama and suspense... I like it. Especially the way how events are evolving, also that's not a so bad idea to do a flashback chapter, not at all, just try to not overdo it too much, that could break the story's linearity, I would advise you to try to finish an arc, or at the very least scene, before adding a flashback. But otherwise right now that was a good idea, especially at the start of your story, that not only explained how things came to be but also settled the stage for further advancements. Overall this second chapter, as the former, were great and I'm really looking forward to see what awaits our new uncanny, but still very promising, group of heroes.
Keep up the good job !
Firem78910 chapter 2 . 7/27/2015
this is looking good keep it up
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