Reviews for Paint it over
nomask chapter 1 . 10/2/2015
Damn this is angsty. Break ups are always hard. I don't know what your intended end game for this is so I'll just patiently wait for an update!
SnowVelvet chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
I was first scared to read your story because, uh it is the first time I face such a fic, and the idea of Light and Fang breaking up breaks my heart *dies* but I really enjoyed it and can't wait for next chapter to discover how things will develop between the two of them. Socially Introverted is such a lucky girl :D
Icy-Windbreeze chapter 1 . 7/4/2015
Wow, great first chapter! Can't wait for the next chapter.
Socially Introverted chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
My dear mate, thank you very much for that story. I'm moved that you took the time to write something for me. Relationships can't be all sunshine and rainbows. I'm curious to see how you'll end that story.

I know angst isn't what you're the most comfortable with since humour is your forte but you're doing great. Please continue. *hugs*
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
So sad, I need more. Gah, I'm so helpless when it comes to these two
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
well it looks nice, is not very common that kind of topic, and i like it, hope u update soon!
LiriLara chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Hi, first me english isn't very well... and second I love the fic, I adore read angust but a part of me hope they can fix up their relationship (after a pair of chapters *-*) This is great, I will be waiting for the continuation.
Passerby-A chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Hmm, can't say I appreciate the notion of a Flight breakup, but I'm interested to know why they did. Light said Fang was living a fantasy; Fang wasn't perceptive enough to realise there was a problem till it's too late? And Light sounded very sure they would never get back together? That's hard to believe. I hope the explaination comes up soon.

I agree that the sisters are too meddlesome, but if they weren't, we wouldn't have a story, would we? Not sure if the fic title is definitive and there isn't a chance for them to get back together in the estimated three or four chapters. The summary looks bleak, and the title might've been "Make Up" instead if there waa a chance, right? Fingers crossed.

Thanks for the read, even though it's a sad situation. Good work.