Reviews for Mass Effect: The Paths We Take
Megatronus666 chapter 31 . 4/28
I think the proper term is a bit of a cloaca.
Violet chapter 76 . 2/17
I don't know why I read this story all the way through.

Pretty early on, it became really obvious that Miranda and Shepard's relationship was super unhealthy. Miranda expects Shepard to betray everything he believes in and the organization he's loyal to; but not only does she not offer the same loyalty to him, she straight up admits that she's loyal to Cerberus first.

The whole issue with the Shadow Broker exposing Shepard as being in bed with Cerberus only seems to sort of force the story in a certain direction so that Shepard and Miranda never have the conversation where Shepard realizes he's putting more into the relationship than Miranda is.
The Jingo chapter 76 . 1/13
Holy shit I didn't expect Keiji to get capped like this
The Jingo chapter 67 . 1/13
Lol, well there goes that ship
The Jingo chapter 66 . 1/13
"We used to be lovers"

Aee you teasing us with this glorious ship
firesprite1123 chapter 76 . 11/20/2019
Wow! This is good, this was really good. I can’t wait to read more
general-joseph-dickson chapter 76 . 10/27/2019
Nice chapter
Callum Hepburn chapter 76 . 10/26/2019
Great to see one of the last remaining Shepmiri stories continuing! Like where you’re going with this, seems to be following the established plot points but making them your own which makes it fresh, having played and read so much.
general-joseph-dickson chapter 75 . 10/22/2019
Nice chapter
general-joseph-dickson chapter 74 . 10/19/2019
Nice chapter
brian6 chapter 73 . 9/6/2019
good job
Eugefer chapter 73 . 9/5/2019
Truly great story. Can't wait to see how it progresses
Scarease chapter 73 . 9/1/2019
Well some in for one hell of a fight .
Scarease chapter 58 . 9/1/2019
Hope Anders get good blackmail on Udina.
Scarease chapter 48 . 9/1/2019
If not Ashley the Shadow broker .
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