Reviews for Evaporating
ShadowTeir chapter 19 . 10/19/2018
Will you ever get to posting the last chapter? I want to read the ending so much!
olivia chapter 19 . 11/15/2017
i just read all your chapters in one go, and am sad to see that there aren't any more. it's been a year but i hope you post that last chapter to finish this story off T.T just wanted to say this story is awesome and that relevation about juvia's mum's sacrifice sent shivers down my spine.
Knifez chapter 19 . 7/26/2017
So, this story started off amazing but I must admit my interest has dwindled a bit with the whole "erase me from existence" thing Juvia pulled, I just can't see her ever doing that. I don't think she'd want gray to forget her even if for the sake of his 'happiness'. I'm hoping there will be some juicy reprecussions of this, I can't imagine either Gray or Gajeel taking this news well, it was a very selfish move from Juvia. Looking forward to the next chapter, when/if it comes! :)
Guest chapter 19 . 5/23/2017
This is so so soo good! Keep up the great work!
nayadono chapter 19 . 10/24/2016
I hope you will update the last chapter soon! You have your way with words and i can feel Juvia's sadness. You don't know how many tissues i used because of my tears and runny nose, especially Juvia's line when she say it's okay for Gray to forget :'). I hope it will have a happy ending, i pray to God for it :'O
Grace Buckley chapter 10 . 10/22/2016
I am so crying right now and I'm just halfway through...this is bad. Not your story okay? Don't get me wrong I love this so much.. It's just that I'm crying because where I am at right now is so sad. I just have to let that off my chest..this is really beautiful so thank you for this.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/16/2016
Holy crap this fic got an extra double-shot of angst while I was gone and I love it.
IMakeTheMonsters chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
Ignore the stupid guest, they have no idea what they're talking about. I, however, fucking. Love. This. LIKE HOLY HELL THE REVELATION ABOUT HER MOM SACRIFICING HERSELF JESUS CHRIST MAN YOU'RE A GENIUS. Although it does feel like you've been stabbing me in the feels with a shard of glass for the last five chapters (I'm binge reading this), but it's okay ily anyways XD. I suck at updating too lol, but dw I'll be eagerly awaiting your next installment! :D keep at it!
eve chapter 19 . 8/12/2016
Omg I was crying when Juvia begged Gray to forget all about her! This is brilliant, please continue!
Sencil4 chapter 19 . 5/27/2016
Hey nightowl880,
Thanks for writing.
SlightlyOff7 chapter 19 . 5/17/2016 Back when chapters were coming out more regularly, I was really busy and so I kinda rushed a lot of the chapters, and I felt like perhaps it was losing some of its focus. After re-reading the last 3rd of the story, I don't feel like that at all anymore. I honestly don't. I feel like Gray and the gang do, like there's something I should know on the edge of my consciousness and I just can't seem to pull it out. I feel like I should be able to guess what's going to happen now, but for the life of me I can't, and that's a great feeling to have when reading a story. Its clear now that Juvia's mother sacrificed herself before (which is just heart wrenchingly sad already), but I'm so intrigued by this healing place, which seems like its too easy a solution, or maybe it's something that will make total sense but just hasn't been revealed to our characters yet. I have no idea, and that's a good thing. But whichever way you decide to go, I'm super excited to read it. Old and boring my ass. I promise the next chapter will be given the full undivided attention it deserves. But this one was great, and your whole story is too. (Side note: Do you have a Gajevy story planned out next? I feel like that's where you're heading with all these Levy POV's. I'd be very interested to see that, as I've come around a lot on your take on Levy. I really enjoy how you write her.)
Spagna Conquistador chapter 19 . 5/16/2016
Hi! This is CatPlanet! Omg, what happens next?! I'm dying to find out!
Guest chapter 19 . 5/13/2016
Thank you for not giving up totally on this fic! It's such a shame when authors don't get around to finishing them, no matter how bad they think the ending will be. I'm sorry someone rudely ridiculed your work. I've very much enjoyed your story, writing style, and creativity. :) in a world of 7B I suppose it's inevitable we come across people totally against what we believe. :/ :)
apitatoor chapter 19 . 5/14/2016
Hello again!
Thank you so much for updating!
Honestly, I missed this story & I really wanted to know what would happen with Juvia.
So thank you in not giving up on this story & for going to properly complete it!
Plus, total respect to you for not taking any crap from that guest person. I am glad you spoke your mind!
The chapter was brilliant! It did break my heart by reading it as Juvia still hasn't returned & I feel someone might be sacrificed to bring her back(which I hope is not the case!)
Plus, who were the people at the end of the chapter? Her ancestors? Or the water tribe spirits?
I really bad for Gajeel,Levy & Ggray they are trying so hard to remember her properly but fully can't due to that spell which she put upon them.
I really liked how you wrote this chapter & how you wrote about each character & their conversations. You did an awesome job!
I really can't wait for the last chapter! I really hope its a happy ending, because my heart will surely break if it is sad.
So take care & till next time,bye!
Baby pink 'n Baby blue chapter 19 . 5/14/2016
Oh my god, the next chapter is the final already!? :0

Wahhh I'll definitely miss this fic - because I really like the initial idea and how the story has unfolded so far. I also like how Juvia tried to make her friends forget about her existence.

Uh and wow what an unfriendly person that 'guest' is! Please cheer up and just remember that there are always waay nicer people here too! ;)

Thank you for updating, I look forward to the next chapter! :3

Keep up the good work and have nice day ~
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