Reviews for A Quiet Shag
Guest chapter 1 . 6/13
That was a beautiful one shot, very well written and it shows why I think Hermione and Ron would have never worked out, Hermione's ambitions would have overshadowed their relationship, but that same ambition would not overshadow the bond she had shared with Harry.
marvinkitfox1 chapter 1 . 5/6
Ah yes, Hermione may be a very clever girl, but she would be stupid in exactly that way.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/7/2019
You just had to suck Neville tiny dick again, didn't you? Oh well, at least your mother is still a two-cent cunt with a mean sucking.
major wallace chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
Nice work
tyrannicpuppy chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
Ooooo. I wanted to slap her so hard. Get your head in the game, Granger.

Thank heavens for Neville. If he weren't such a great lay things could have been seriously messed up. Susan is a good friend, being just the right amount of cruel to get it through that bushy hair.

Why is angst ok if there is a small fluffy moment at the end? Why do I enjoy playing with my heart like that so long as they are happy together in the end?

Great story.
Tenjo chapter 1 . 2/13/2019
I’d dump the slag. That’s not some minor mistake that could be forgotten just like that. She almost got it right when she said she mistook what she wanted for what he wanted. It was almost right, but it was still wrong. It wasn’t a simple misunderstanding, she just didn’t think nor care about his feelings at all. Then she changed her mind because of jealousy. Nothing more, nothing less. She was jealous that someone else played with her toy and she made the mental jump from him being a toy to him being the man she loved. Just because she convinced herself that’s what he had become, it didn’t make it any less false. She only convinced herself that because she refused to think she was the kind of person who would consider someone a toy. Kind of a long and unnecessary way of me calling her a selfish and emotionally unstable bitch who should be single.
rune1806 chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
A very good story. I enjoyed the word play between the player, well done.
MotekElm chapter 1 . 8/24/2018
I liked Susan here
quillbee05 chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
This... was great! Loved it!
Anime Princess chapter 1 . 3/17/2017
Nice, I'm glad that Susan got Hermione's head on straight!
toile grant chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
DylanL chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
loved the story. i love harmony stories like this were hermione is so focused on her work that she neglects harry but then realizes it and makes it up to him. for some reason that always entertains me. also great story suggestion, i have already read that one and loved it.
amestoy chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
A very hot and jealous Hermione but, i liked it.
Thx for writing.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
Dang nabbit! It's so hard to find a good Harry/Susan story. I've accidentally read three S/N this month. Oh well I like Hermione but it wasn't what I was looking for. Good luck with future stories!
kabs9000 chapter 1 . 10/27/2015
Very nice
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