Reviews for His Fear
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2016
Hmm... Ahhhh... :) I love this! You really helped me get some perspective on Peter when he was being annoying in PC... And LWW... But you've definitely helped him get back in my ranks... THANK YOU! :) It is so entirely plausible, this... Whenever I read about Peter, now I'll be thinking about this story! Hmm... Ahhhh... :)
NBrokenShacklesN chapter 1 . 2/4/2016
That ending though. Wow. um, ouch, right in the feels.
I love your Peter being so protective of his siblings- like the Prince Caspian film (not the BBC series) Peter's presented as kind of power hungry and jealous of Caspian and making bad choices because of that. I agree with you that he's more likely to make silly decisions out of worry than greed. Great representation of Peter! Kudos to you!
Thalion Estel chapter 1 . 4/13/2015
Very well done. This delves deeply into Peter's character, filling in the gaps that the books didn't cover. I really enjoyed the way you told it chronologically, always coming back to the same fear but with a new setting. And the detail about Eustace being the one to help Peter was so great; I love that image. The ending was wonderful; I could easily feel the gentle peace that Peter had when he opened his eyes. It makes me all the more eager for the day when I will be fully healed of my fears by the Lion's presence too! Excellent work!
sarahwood chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
A really beautiful piece, love the explanations of the different moments. Great story!
Error 742-Account Not Found chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
Oh my gosh. I Don't even know where to start. It's so hard to find a genuine, real Narnian story about the Narnians with no OCs and no AUs. But you did it. Thank you.

Your fic is raw, emotional, and all around perfect.

Gryffinclaw chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
*sniff* *sobs quietly*
Okay, you are quite possibly among the best writers I have ever read on this site. Not joking, you're at least in the top five, quite possibly in the top spot, but BY THE VALAR, you're writing hurts my heart! The way you layer the emotions of your characters, especially with Peter, it's amazing!

I'm done gushing praise now, but I'm dead serious. Don't stop writing, ever!
Jesus' girl 4ever chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
I love this! It's so sweet how Peter always wants to protect them. :)
Windy Darlington chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
Beautiful... Simply beautiful.
