Reviews for Hero
Average Canadian chapter 2 . 8/2/2016
I know this was written a long time ago, but I'm pretty sure Thalia got her bracelet from the dude trapped in the house with the snake skin clothes
MistressWrandelle chapter 9 . 4/29/2016
Throughout your fic you have improved majorly. Loving the story so far, keep going. Oh, Annabeth, *sigh* ! )
memoire chapter 9 . 12/18/2015
Wonderful job, as always. I really liked the ending, but I suppose no one's life is normal. Not even for mortals.

Since nostalgia is a pain, I might publish a story soon (and then I have to change my profile again... OTL). Idk. Maybe around Christmas, maybe around new years, maybe never.
thewanderlustmarauder chapter 1 . 12/16/2015
This is a really interesting concept!
sifuXANA chapter 9 . 12/14/2015
This was sweet! I appreciated the little quieter moments, and I always love scenes with Thalia and Luke together...hint, hint :) Haha but anyways it is nice to see you back here! Enjoy college and I hope to see more of your writing soon (but no pressure)!
sifuXANA chapter 8 . 8/5/2015
I really enjoyed this chapter, especially the scene with Hades and Persephone and the details of Hal's diary. I think you did a nice job of writing in Hal's voice. I can't wait to see what happens next! Something involving monsters, no doubt...
memoire chapter 8 . 7/28/2015
Reading this was a great way to start off my day and thank you for the mention! I found the part where Hal wrote "I must not reveal the future to mortals" eerily similar to the part in Harry Potter where he was with Umbridge. Was that intentional? I enjoyed Hal's part of the story and I feel so sorry for him.

The three of them are still in character and wonderfully so. I have no criticism but then again, I just woke up.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/27/2015
This is a great story! Update soon!
memoire chapter 7 . 7/17/2015
I completely forgot about this story in between life and all of that, but now that I caught up, I must say that this story is going in the right direction. This chapter was heart trending and entertaining to read. I liked how you portrayed a younger Annabeth and how she met with Thalia and Luke, really, you deserve all these kind reviews that you got.

Well, I think that the performing arts school plot is a tad bit overdone, but I believe that you can pull it off. Write what you want, no one is stopping you.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/12/2015
Oh also, just personally I'm not a super big fan of the seven new characters. (I'm such a grouch/old person, sticking to my original characters haha) I'd love if you did it with the original series characters! But of all the newbies, I enjoy Leo. And Nico of course :)
Guest chapter 7 . 7/12/2015
Cute. I did want to see more of just Luke and Thalia alone, but still look forward to more!
GuardianGirl24 chapter 1 . 7/11/2015
Good chapter.
rockyroad69 chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
I'm a very big fan of PJO.

Right from the start, I can see Luke having some sort of survivor's guilt, which is rather understandable. I think his characterization here is rather spot on, and the emotions described are rather vivid, a mix of showing, and straight-up gutsy telling, making the scene slightly more powerful.

However, Silena's character bugged me. Because I certainly remember Luke betraying her, and she sacrificing herself because of that fact. Not to mention he was slightly responsible for Beckendorf's death - I think he got off easy imo. So while I did love her supportiveness, I would personally have her treat him with slight mistrust, regardless of prophecy.

However, it was rather morbid because they're already dead, but I like h9ow now they are finally "human", not demigods with a duty, and lUke is making his decisions and looking back on the events, which I would certainly suspect is a pivotal point of his character development, which I am excited to see. No doubt, his memories will finally keep him in line this time :p

Anyway, overall, I think your sensory details and the subtle descriptions are indeed done rather well, and I loved how you characterized Luke in such a way after his death, makes it an interesting read, though I can't help but be relatively iffed by Silena's outstretched hand of friendship after everything that happened. I think you're setting the stage well for a good redemption fic, especially with 3 rebirths that Luke has to face. :)

Great writing.

Debrah Clachair chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
Don't know the fandom; know a little about the myths they use. I like the little joke in the opening lines, pairing "Elysium" with the exclamation "Gods." I like that you introduce some canon-specific elements right away but make them easy to understand such as an "achilles spot" that's not the heel. And I like that you give us some backstory but in the context of Luke's trying to understand it. This opening works for a newbie but likely works for a fan as well.

Luke's an interesting character from the get-go because of his self-evaluation as a villain, his guilt and his desire for redemption. Bringing in Silena right away adds another dimension because she obviously has nothing but affection for him, so we see there's more that he doesn't yet understand about himself.

Overall this prologue sets up a very good framing device because of Luke's inner turmoil over whether he deserves to be in Elysium, the need he feels to go back to the world and live again, truly be a hero, and his reluctance to lose all his memories in the River Lethe in order to go back. He's in a dilemma, which means the story about to be told is very important: as he relates his experiences, he'll be reevaluating the events himself. The little taste we get with the beginning of the adventure where he met one of his closest friends Thalia sets expectations for a fun entertaining read. These aren't just gods and goddesses (and children of gods and goddesses). These are teens who can be "kind of annoying" yet so heroic that they owe their lives to each other.

Nits: 15th paragraph after the poem: [Luke drew his hand back{{, hating}} how good Aphrodite's children were...] Or [Luke drew his hand back{{. He hated}} how good...]
28th paragraph after the poem: the idea is usually "coming to terms with" rather than "coming into terms with."
4th para graph from the bottom: not sure what is meant by "felt his fingers heart rate slow down..."
starfireten chapter 1 . 5/23/2015
Hello! I'm Starfireten from the Review Tag! I'm glad I found this story because I love the Percy Jackson series, mainly because of my two best friends who got me into this book. Anyway, onto the review!

I absolutely love how you give descriptive details throughout this story. From Luke's saliva tasting like rust, to how Silena smelt like 'freshly picked roses'. It helps me visualize, taste of how rust would taste on my lips, and an idea of the smell even though I cannot actually smell haha.

The next thing I like is that how you spaced out the paragraphs. That's a big thing that has helped me write better and it also makes me feel like I'm actually reading a book, like of course Percy Jackson. Great work! :)

The final thing I like about this is that how you entice me to want to read more of this story, which I am going to do of course. I love that Silena is helping Luke since he really wants a second chance to become a hero, like Percy. I also love how you ended this prologue and introducing Thalia which probably is saying that she is going to maybe, be in the next chapter? I guess I'll how to wait and see!
On to the second chapter I go! :D
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