Reviews for Something to Show You
AngelxCloud chapter 1 . 10/14/2016
adorable ~w~
Lady Babette chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
Nice. Short, but sweet.
halffictionalprincess chapter 1 . 7/9/2015
I really liked this little story.
I've never read this pairing before, and I think you managed it very well!
I loved the idea that Harry had a dragon patronus, despite the bad experiences he's had with them!
I think it depicts how much he loves Charlie!
I liked Charlie's hesitance as well, but the way he stopped Harry was extremely heart-warming too!
Well done!
Dragon MoonX chapter 1 . 4/4/2015
Oh my gosh. A silver dragon patronus? He must be in love with Charlie.

I must say, this is a really unique pairing. I've never seen a story about Harry and Charlie before.

I liked how Charlie told Harry that if his problem didn't have much to dragons then he couldn't do much to help. And Harry tells him that it kind of does have to do with dragons. There's something about this scene that seems realistic to me, as in I could see Charlie responding that way to what Harry told him.

This is rather good. It kind of makes me wish you had added more to it.
Winter Leigh End chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
Well, wasn't this cute?

I like the way Harry sort of hedged around why he needed Charlie's help and just showed him at the end. I also enjoyed Charlie's hesitancy to help Harry as he thinks he won't be of much use unless it involves Dragons.

Nice job!
alyssialui chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
This had such a warm fuzzy ending. I feel like just cuddling Harry. I like that you used Patronii to convey Harry's feelings towards the dragon tamer. It was an interesting idea I never would have thought of so it was a pleasant read. I like how coy Harry acts in the beginning and Charlie slight self-doubt. Very cute.
Galad Estel chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
Wow. That's one way to tell someone you love them. It would be kind of awkward though if Charlie didn't feel the same. Though I suppose that would happen no matter how he confessed it.
salazarastark chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
I find myself getting more and more into Harry/Charlie, despite not really liking Harry slash, and I really enjoyed this fic. Harry seems nervous and confused about this, which is natural, and I loved how Charlie didn't think he would be able to help Harry with whatever his problem was because Harry is not a dragon, Harry is a human and Charlie is not good with humans. There were no typos as far as I saw.

Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
Simple story, no angst at all !

The Crimson Mage.
Jemennuie chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
We don't know that much about Charlie in canon, but I like how you've characterized him here, and you do a very good job of not just telling his character but showing it. I was trying to guess what Harry had to show Charlie (particularly since I saw from the top it was going to be a pairing) but I couldn't figure it out ahead of time for the life of me (and Charlie's 'What on earth' thoughts near the end will definitely line up with what the reader was thinking). The end with the patronus was cute and does a great job of fitting in with the earlier parts of the fic (since it does kind of have to do with dragons).

The only concrit I can think of is that the sentence leading into Charlie's second piece of dialogue is a bit long; I might break it into two sentences.

Anyway, nice piece!
Inkfire chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
Ohhh, awkward and nice indeed :) I really like the two's self-consciousness, Charlie kind of assuming he'd be rather useless at helping Harry and Harry being so hesitant too. The ending with the Patronus was sweet :)